Do you smoke

Do you smoke? I am talking about any kind of smoke

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Agreed on every point.

In the PM that I sent to shark byte I addressed many of the same points, he can post it if he chooses.

I guess I wasn't clear in my post. There is more to addiction than a psychological aspect..
I guess I wasn't clear in my post. There is more to addiction than a psychological aspect..
That's all I was saying, we seem to be on the same page now, just a typical SB misunderstanding. My post wasn't intended to be hostile :redhot:; that was the only smilie I could find that remotely looked like a smoker :D, and I certainly didn't intend for Mr. Michaelson to air his laundry in a public forum. My apologies for any confusion. I agree with Andy as well.

Now let's get this thread back on topic; or let it die a quiet death as it has a couple of times already.

Excerpt from a smilies SA meeting:

My name is shark.byte and I'm a SMOKER
[:coffee: :new_gmorn :coffee: Hi Shark Byte!!]
I've been Nicotine free for 2 minutes
[ :luxhello: :yelclap: :shakehead]
I've been smoking since I was just a pixel...
[:11: :sappy: :11: ]

:lol: :joke:
Quit the day I turned 40 - cold turkey and haven't looked back.
Hey Smoker, flaunt your own Mortality --but don't jeopardize my Life. . .
Lake Mead Tony:
I don't normally let a post get to me, but reading some of the inputs did it. I have a very demanding job and my dive time as well as SB time is very special and soothing for me. I guess you can say it is the calm after the storm, but I must admit that I have that nasty, foul breath, stupit and brown tooth habit of smoking. I smoke about 1/2 a pack a day and I must say that I enjoy having that burning butt in my mouth. I try my best to be a consciences smoker and do not blow smoke in the faces of my fellow beings of this planet. I do not smoke on dive boats and in crowds where it might offend people. I come home with butts in my pocket because I don't litter the beaches or other public places. I did quit for about 2 years when I was in country as a OH58 driver, because the delta was too wet most of the time and I could see someone taking a pot shot at me with their AK47 when I flicked my Bick. But for the life of me, I can't remember the last time that I made a fool of myself at a party because I smoked the hole keg, I mean carton, or caused some one to die because I was so smoked up and impaired that I caused an accident after stopping at the local watering, I mean smoking hole after work. Do you see where this is going? There are a lot worse things to rant about than smoking. Smoking is my only vise. It will probably take the breath away from me at some future period of time, but don't morn me then, for I have lived a rich and full life, even with that nasty habit. OK, I am done now and I hope I did not offend anybody with my opinion.
I enjoy a nice Maduro now and then. In fact, it's likely I'll burn one a day on vacation. Being offensive is fun, everyone should try it.
I try and make it a rule not to smoke cigarettes while in the continental United States.
A cigar here and there is OK for me.
I enjoy a nice Maduro now and then. In fact, it's likely I'll burn one a day on vacation. Being offensive is fun, everyone should try it.
Sure! Mind if I fart on you too:D ?
I don't smoke, and never have, except a few cigarettes through peer pressure in my teens.

As a physician, I see too many sad stories related to smoking to ever be tempted. It's one of the most medically destructive habits you can have.
As a physician, I see too many sad stories related to smoking to ever be tempted. It's one of the most medically destructive habits you can have.
that's something I find strange here in Japan. By far the majority of doctors here smoke - it's amazing.
My Short Story is I smoked for 20 years, then quit and started exercising. 2 Years later I found SCUBA, I havent looked back or missed it since.

BTW....This thread was started 2 years ago...someone should resurect the Poll as there are many of us newbies that were not around then.

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