When you're willing to sign away your life - and I do mean that literally - when you service my reg, you are welcome to do so.
Since its MY azz down there if something goes wrong, and YOU will do everything in your power to avoid liability for YOUR mistakes if and when you make them, including but not limited to claiming that it was "my fault" when my reg locks up at 110 feet, I see those kinds of statements as the self-serving nonsense that they are.
There is nobody who has more interest in seeing that my reg works correctly than myself.
Absolutely nobody.
Until you "technicians" are willing to put your azz on the line if you screw up, I simply don't trust you as much as I trust myself.
Its not about saving money. If I value my time then the money is irrelavent, since my time costs more than yours (and I'll bet on that one.)
Its about knowing what was done, when it was done, that all the parts that I inspected and deemed unworthy of continued use really DID get replaced, that it was put back together torqued to the right values, and that I personally tested it in a shallow, confined water place before I took it anywhere that my life would depend on it.
You won't guarantee me any of the above, on pain of YOU dying if you're wrong. In fact its ME who dies if you're wrong, and then you and the manufacturer who "certified" you circle the wagons in an attempt to deny responsibility.
No thanks.
(Never mind that at DEMA you can be "certified" to service a particular reg after what - a one or two hour class? Never mind that the manufacturers do their best to keep the parts out of anyone's hands that isn't a paid monkey at said LDS - with or without ANY technical training in compressed gasses. The only "qualification" to take the class is being employed by a LDS! This is some kind of "technical" or "advanced" training? HOGWASH! Regs are simple devices, really - your disinformation campaign is noted and filed where it belongs, just like the rants about not buying regs from LP. The work that I do on my boat is both more technical and demanding than this stuff.)