Originally posted by bengalsmgtsucks
Can anyone explain why more SCUBA related deaths are at an all time high? The majority are not Reg. related but Regulator related deaths are up.
Are they really? Where are you getting your numbers?
Most importantly LDS are not at fault.
Why do you say that, other than because you own an LDS?
If numbers are going up, my suspicion is that they are caused by two things.
1) Larger number of people diving. Overall, more people are diving than ever before.
2) Those that are diving are *much* less prepared than they were even 5 years ago, so there are a lot of people who don't know even the most rudimentary skills.
You can get certified fairly easily in a weekend from some dive organization, which means there are a lot of very poorly trained divers out there.
The responsibility falls on the shoulders of the instructors as well as the dive agency providing the certification. However, ultimately, it's the LDS who sponsors the instructors, so if they are allowing this poor training to occur, then I believe they are at fault, if only indirectly.
I own a NISSAN pickup. I thought I would overhaul my Transy this weekend. I surely didn't want to pay for a "Professional" to do it. They are to expensive and they never do an adequate job. Not to mention I don't want the warranty they offer nor do I want the liability to be on there shoulders. Does anyone have a service manual or know where I can get one.
I know you're being facetious, but I've overhauled my own I'm stupid and replaced the rear-end in my old Dodge, installed a number of carburator kits, as recently swapped out a 305 in my Chevy truck for a 350. It's pretty darn easy to overhaul a I'm stupid if you know what you are doing, and you've got the resources (tools and someone to ask questions of). Certainly all of the above jobs are harder than servicing a regulator, and you really *can* save a ton of money if you do it yourself.
You can sometimes find a good/reputable repair place, but they are certainly hard to find nowadays. I'm lucky enough in that I have two professional repairman in the family, so when I run into problems, I have some great resources to draw upon.
Both of them worked for dealerships, and neither feel that as a dealership they could provide very good service to their customers. In their opinion, to get a quality overhaul you'll need to go to a shop that isn't affiliated with the manufacturer, and these shops end up providing their own 'warranty'. However, a warranty means very little, since any shop worth it's salt won't even have to deal with warranty work, and those that do will generally treat you right with or without a warranty in place.
I suspect the same sort of thing occurs with many dive shops and dive manufacturers. A really good LDS will support you regardless of the manufacturers policy, but they are hard to find. ;(
Finally, if you really ARE serious about overhauling the I'm stupid in your Nissan, I have access to all the service information you need/want, although I suggest buying a Chilton's or Hemming's for your vehicle on your own if you plan on doing anything serious.