Do you ever read the ScubaBoard News Letter?

Do you ever read the ScubaBoard News Letter?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • No

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • I didn't know there was one!

    Votes: 39 70.9%

  • Total voters

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I seem to remember a discussion about this long ago, where it was said that opting in to the newsletter also got you some other spam, it wasn't really separate, so I opted out. Don't know if that is true now.
This is false. Opting in to the Newsletter ONLY gets you the newsletter. We don't stand for spam.
well, there you go

problem solved
actually... i went back and re-read the instructions. this is what it says:

ScubaBoard sends periodic mailings including a newsletter. You are also able to opt-in and receive notifications of new threads or messages. To disable all email messages uncheck this box. Receive Newsletters & Thread Alerts via Email

this text seems to imply that other emails and periodic mailings wil be received if the box is checked, not just the newsletter (it says "including a newsletter").

that's why i have it unchecked. who wants all that other crap?

now, if you could give us a choice to receive just the newsletter, i'd be there
Kim, could you make the newsletter option SEPARATE from all other e-mail communications at opt-in?
It already IS that way. First you have to tell us that you want to get ANYTHING from us at all. Then you only need to tell us WHAT you want. Some options:

Receive Newsletter

Receive notifications for PMs

Receive notifications for Subscribed threads

I don't believe that there are any other options to subscribe to. Just turn OFF what you don't want.

In the past, we allowed you to give your e-mails to those who offered prizes on our give aways. This was an OPT IN ONLY box and the default was that it was unchecked. We had one of our generous sponsors actually USE those e-mails and suddenly many were apoplectic that we would "sell" their e-mails. We learned a valuable lesson: no one will remember that they OPTED IN to give their e-mails to a sponsor, and they will put the blame on ScubaBoard! :D Solution? We don't give you that option anymore. Go figure!

ScubaBoard has NEVER sold our data base and we have made a commitment to NEVER EVER sell our data base. We limit commercial presence on the Board to a few spots and will NEVER EVER allow pop-ups to be generated through us. Yes, you support the Board by supporting our advertisers and I heartily recommend that you do so. I would also love for anyone who sees fit to "Go Red" and support us directly.
Pete, did you read what the text says?

Can you see how it may confuse people?

ScubaBoard sends periodic mailings including a newsletter. You are also able to opt-in and receive notifications of new threads or messages. To disable all email messages uncheck this box.

this text seems to imply that other emails and periodic mailings wil be received if the box is checked, not just the newsletter (it says "including a newsletter").

for clarity, you should have a box to check that says:

Check here to receive our newsletter. You will not receive any other emails
or periodic mailings as a result of checking this box.
the old thread I remembered was this one
Sure, and since then we have added a way to opt out of only the Newsletter.

Again, if you don't want it: please opt out! We even include directions on our newsletter on how to do this!
Pete, did you read what the text says?

Can you see how it may confuse people?

ScubaBoard sends periodic mailings including a newsletter. You are also able to opt-in and receive notifications of new threads or messages. To disable all email messages uncheck this box.

this text seems to imply that other emails and periodic mailings wil be received if the box is checked, not just the newsletter (it says "including a newsletter").

for clarity, you should have a box to check that says:

Check here to receive our newsletter. You will not receive any other emails
or periodic mailings as a result of checking this box.
Andy, I am open to any revised text you may proffer.
well... ah.... lol

ok... but i already proffered it (last paragraph of my post that you cited)

just a suggestion ... if you guys think the text as it is now works, then great


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