Yes,I agree the prescribed treatment is at onset,I read a prophylactic reference on Salix site,it was buried in PDF file under health care professionals.
Personally,I don't like using antibiotics unless it's absolutely neccesary,they just screw up your intestinal flora too much and for too long(rifaximin included),acidophilus really does work in my experience..
I cringe when I hear that people use Cipro purchased OTC in Mexico,and pop them like candy just in case.
I mentioned rifaximin mainly to deter those who like to use a shotgun to kill a Mosca.
If you're concerned and thinking about rifaximin consult your doctor.
Personally,I don't like using antibiotics unless it's absolutely neccesary,they just screw up your intestinal flora too much and for too long(rifaximin included),acidophilus really does work in my experience..
I cringe when I hear that people use Cipro purchased OTC in Mexico,and pop them like candy just in case.
I mentioned rifaximin mainly to deter those who like to use a shotgun to kill a Mosca.
If you're concerned and thinking about rifaximin consult your doctor.