Do you believe in ghosts?

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I'm sure. Why? because I believe that most ghosts were probably clever (albeit most likely insane) people in their own lives. My neighbour is niether intelligent nor insane. He is irritating, extremely macho, passive-aggressive and highly egotistical, but neither intelligent nor insane.... it can't be him.


Sorry I have read a fair few of your posts on SB and mostly I agree with you but I can't on this one!

My brother was definitely NOT INSANE or even close to it! Don't know his IQ but his identical twin brother rates in the high genius level (and he can't spell either another family trait). He talked to me quite a few times after his death. Initially he said things that helped some family members cope with his accidental death then finally to say "Goodbye" he was moving on.

There are a lot of things in life (and death) that just can't be explained.... and BTW I have never even tried POT and the alcohol impaired driver that killed my brother pretty much put me off alcohol too.... so I wasn't under the influence then or when some other stuff happened.

I'm with you... "it" isn't a "gift"!
I've not had anything happen in my life to make me believe in ghosts ... and I've not seen anything to make me believe that they do not exist ether ... anything is possible and I would think even probable given the lack of knowledge we have on such things.

I'm sorry that stuff is happening to make you feel spooked, I'm sure that is not comfortable
... was raising the hair on the back of my neck as I read those :)
You should go up there while hearing it and see what's what.

I've tried a couple of times. We've had the pacing thing happen in our house too. I've heard it from time to time in my living room when I've been laying in bed reading. A couple of times it was so loud that I thought we were getting broken into so I put my stuff on and grabbed my weapon (it's just a stick but I know how to use it... :wink: LOL) and went down to discover that the house was completely empty. No open doors or windows, nothing unlocked. Just nothing there....

If I'm lucky I may be able to catch the culprit in the act at some point and put an end to it. I figure not knowing what it is is the worst part.

I've not had anything happen in my life to make me believe in ghosts ... and I've not seen anything to make me believe that they do not exist ether ... anything is possible and I would think even probable given the lack of knowledge we have on such things.

I'm sorry that stuff is happening to make you feel spooked, I'm sure that is not comfortable
... was raising the hair on the back of my neck as I read those :)

The weirdest moment I ever had like this was waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of a party going on in my living room. I got up and walked out in the living room and there was nothing there but it just sounded like a lot people talking. I got something to drink and tried to figure out if I was awake or dreaming and then said something like "hey, I'm trying to sleep here" and just like someone snapped thier fingers it stopped.

Let me tell you, it's hard to just say "hmm, that was weird" and go back to bed again after that....

I don't think your crazy, I can sit here and hear ghost stories ALLLLLLL day long. I love that there is something that can't be explained.

Isn't everyone crazy nowadays?

Good luck... keep me posted....... I'm TOTALLY intrigued

And don't get me wrong. I don't run around look for (or seeing) ghosts on every corner. It's just happened a few times. I know when you write about these things people will think you're crazy but I'm really not.

You are not nuts R...Too much of the world has passed to not have a effect on the living..Some are just lucky (?)....
Maybe the 2nd floor owner gave his key to someone...a cleaning lady? A friend who needs a place to stay?

I don't believe in ghosts so my opinion is tainted. But if YOU believe in ghosts, get that floor-pacing ghost out of the apartment and make him/her your new diving buddy!
R you should read the Odd series by Dean Koontz(Odd Thomas). They are not "horror" in nature, and the ghosts are mostly secondary to the main story, but my knee jerk thought after reading your post was about this series.
(I guess "horror" is a relative term. I will edit and say that the books did not frighten me in the slightest.)
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I know when you write about these things people will think you're crazy but I'm really not.


Please note that I don't believe you're crazy but was just trying to inject a little humor here.

I myself have never experienced anything that I would attribute to ghosts or the paranormal and have no idea whether they exist or not. Science is not one of my strong suits but isn't one of the fundamentals of physics that energy can never be destroyed but merely transformed? The life force or energy that animates the human body must therefore be transformed in some way upon death. You seem to be more attuned to this type of energy than the rest of us and, unfortunately, have encountered some energy that has been stymied during it's transformation. This energy is obviously anxious about this strange state of affairs and is pacing the floor trying to figure out what comes next.
Now that is cool. :popcorn: I only wish my crazy neighbours would go away for months at a time :wink:. When I first bought my house, I heard all sorts of sounds of various volume.....all of which were of "natural" origin. If what you say is happening is actually happening (and I do believe you), you should charge admission and use that money to buy a whole new set of gear.

I live in an apartment with 4 floors. I own the 3rd and 4th floor of this building, there is a neighbour who owns the 2nd floor and one who owns the 1st floor, including the garden. It's a typical Dutch set-up.

The neighbour on the 2nd floor is never home. He works over seas and only owns this house for tax purposes. This is good because he's a boob and I don't like him but it has a big advantage to me because I don't have to worry about irritating the neighbours. Dutch houses are made of stone but the floors are made of wood and if you live in an old house like I do, then every time you fart the neighbours hear it.....

But getting to the point. The last 3 weeks we've been "hearing" things..... pacing. like someone walking back and forth through the 2nd floor apartment with heavy boots on. I thought I was the only one hearing it but the other day the neighbour from the 1st floor came along and said that she wanted me to go into the apartment with her.... because not only was there pacing... but the LIGHTS were on!!!!! :shocked:

So I went in with her (we all have keys to each other's houses in case something weird happens) and determined that the house was empty and that there was, indeed, nobody home.

The pacing stopped

for 24 hours

but now it's started again. All afternoon I've been working at home and something that isn't there has been pacing back and forth over the 2nd floor for the last 6 hours.....

weird eh?

Do you believe in ghosts? I never did but I'm starting to have my doubts.....


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