It really helps to differentiate betweenIMHO RD is a joke if you’re not certifying every year. I’ve deployed three times and each time I took the Combat Lifesaver course. It’s been a minute since the last time and I certainly don’t consider myself to be up to speed anymore.
(a) someone who takes the course, and
(b) someone who works in the industry, who might have to use the material (like an instructor or dive-guide).
I suspect most people who take the course are (a) recreational, and take it for the first reason. The purpose there is to be useful or semi-competent in an emergency, not the equivalent of being a Life Guard or EMT. There's no purpose of a refresher or re-certification for these people. I FREQLENTLY see people suggesting that everyone who can take the rescue course, and that it's good for any diver to have.
For the later category (b), it might make some kind of sense to do a refresher, because the "credential" has a meaning or purpose.