Here is an excerpt from a longer article I am working on. Parts are should be here tomorrow for my wife's light. I will be using a new regulator design in it. This weekend I had the light down to 140' at Lake Wazee. 5 dives on one charge and still going strong, even in 41 degree water!.
Participating in the newsgroups shows there is a lot of confusion and mis-information on using LEDs. LEDs are current devices and as such require a constant current source supply or at a minimum current limiting resistor. If you drive LEDs from a voltage source with no (intentional) current limiting you will end up destroying them and letting the magic smoke out. This may take some time as they overheat and if Murphy's law holds this will be just as you reach max depth on your dive. So here is a brief tutorial on how and why to do the current limiting on the LEDs. The calculations are based around the the LEDs used, but by substituting the values of the devices you want to use, you can rework the calculations for your own devices.
Ohms law V = IR where V = applied voltage, I = current, R = resistance.
Reorganizing this to find the current: I = V/R So dividing the voltage by the resitance will give you the current in your circuit.
LEDs also have a characteristic called "forward drop". Think of it as either the minimum voltage to "turn on the device" or more accurately the voltage drop in the device that is developed regardless of the current through it. The forward drop does in fact vary with current, temperature and the manufacturing process (some part to part variation). However, for our purposes we will ignore this and just use some simple worst case calculations.. The CREE LEDs have a forward drop of 3.4 to 3.7 volts according to the data sheet. They also have a rated absolute max current of 1A. This is a "do not exceed" value.
The setup I used has the 3 LEDs placed in series. This is to match relatively closely with a 12v battery pack. With 3 LEDs in series the total forward drop will be somewhere between 3x3.4 = 10.2 and 3x3.7 = 11.1 volts. So for starters, if the battery is not at least at that voltage, the LEDs will not turn on at all. So you are thinking, "I have a 12 v battery pack so that is not a problem!" Not so. With a 12v NIMH battery pack the output voltage may be as high as 13.6 volts fully charged and you should not discharge it below 11.1v to avoid permanent damage to the battery cells. So while we have "enough voltage" to turn on the LEDs we are dealing with a voltage that varies as the batteries discharge and also without a lot of "headroom" in that as the battery approaches full discharge, there is little extra voltage available above that which is needed to barely turn on the LEDs..
So no for "why do I need a current regulator". There are 2 parts to the answer:
1. prevent destruction of the LEDs
2. maximize brightness of the LEDs during discharge of the battery pack
The light output of a LED varies in direct proportion to the current. So if you halve the current, you get half the light output.
The simplest way to provide current limiting (not regulation) is to have a resistor in series between the battery and LEDs. The circuit wiring itself inherently has some resistance which we want to keep as low as reasonably possible to get the battery energy delivered to the LEDs and not lost in the wiring. So for purposes of discussion, lets assume that you have 0.1 ohms of total wiring resistacne (battery connections, switch, cord). Modifying our ohms law equation to take into account the battery voltage and forward drop of the LEDs yields:
I = (Vbatt-Vf)/R where VBatt is the battery voltage and Vf is the forward drop of the string of LEDs.
Worst case max voltage and min Vf
I = (13.6-10.2)/.1 = 3.4 Amps - not conducive to long (any?) LED life as this is over three times as great as the absolute max rating . So this is the justification for some sort of current limiting
Worst case Min battery voltage and max Vf
I = (11.1-11.1)/.1 = 0. So the light would not even be lit. .
So now you know that current limiting must be used. Now lets look at what happens with a simple resistor as the current limiter. (simple and cheap)
Rearranging Ohms law again
R = V/I = (13.6-10.2)/1000mA = 3.4 Ohms
Now at 12v (12-10.2) / 3.4 = 530mA So you can see that the current at 12 v is down by nearly half from a fully charged battery.
You can measure the forward drop of the LEDs by simply hooking up a resistor in series (start with something a little larger, maybe 4 ohms) and then measuring the drop. Mine came out to 10.5 v Be sure you have the LEDs on a heat sink when doing this. They heat up quickly! I simply taped them down to a big chunk of aluminum for the first brief tests.
Doing the same calculations with the value of 10.5V forward drop gives:
R = 3.1 ohms, 1000mA at 13.6v, 480mA at 12v and 230ma AT 11.2 V. .
So if you are satisfied with a 4:1 brightness change during discharge you can be set with just a simple resistor . However, I wanted something with a more constant light output.
So that is the reason I went with an active current regulator (the LED dimmer circuit mentioned earlier).