Diving with men

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*rolls eyes*

It seems to be ever so politically correct for women to be so emasculating to men to the point of demeaning them. Further, men who cater to it, and emasculate themselves just to find acceptance by the women who do this, well, all I can say is pick a side of the fence, fellas. If you choose to emasculate yourself, there's a surgical proceedure for that, along with hormone injections, your all set to go. But the men who kiss up to women who have thiese views about men, are pathetic.

I like the mention of the dislike of men who are "macho" in diving. Ok, while Mr. Testosterone is laughable, so are women who are too "girly". I don't NOT dive with women because they may all the sudden menstrate, break a nail or shriek EEK through their regs if they see a sea slug. I also don't complain if the diver next to me just happens to be ovulating.

I've encountered a wide array of the aforementioned situational divers in diving. Rather then generalize the gender, I generalize laughable individuals as "dorks". It's an excellent classification for such people.

I refuse to leave my penis at home when diving so I can find acceptance by what is for all intensive purposes a way too popular man hating female dive populous.

Some of "us" are trainable, MAYBE, but I'm certainly not. Pardon me while I go do something masculine, like feel what I feel and think for myself.
GQMedic i actually agree with you, maybe its because i am not such an experienced diver but i have absolutely no problems with diving with men... i wouldnt say i have a preference but i do feel somewhat safer when i am with a male diver... have i just been lucky? I wouldnt say so, my first instructor was very male, very pushy and very 'i know what i am talking about' but that is reassuring in a dive buddy surely? At the end of the day you dive with someone because of their competence dont you? Not because of whats between their legs... They are your life-line under water after all....
GQMedic once bubbled...
*rolls eyes*

It seems to be ever so politically correct for women to be so emasculating to men to the point of demeaning them. Further, men who cater to it, and emasculate themselves just to find acceptance by the women who do this, well, all I can say is pick a side of the fence, fellas. If you choose to emasculate yourself, there's a surgical proceedure for that, along with hormone injections, your all set to go. But the men who kiss up to women who have thiese views about men, are pathetic.

I like the mention of the dislike of men who are "macho" in diving. Ok, while Mr. Testosterone is laughable, so are women who are too "girly". I don't NOT dive with women because they may all the sudden menstrate, break a nail or shriek EEK through their regs if they see a sea slug. I also don't complain if the diver next to me just happens to be ovulating.

I've encountered a wide array of the aforementioned situational divers in diving. Rather then generalize the gender, I generalize laughable individuals as "dorks". It's an excellent classification for such people.

I refuse to leave my penis at home when diving so I can find acceptance by what is for all intensive purposes a way too popular man hating female dive populous.

Some of "us" are trainable, MAYBE, but I'm certainly not. Pardon me while I go do something masculine, like feel what I feel and think for myself.

As I read in another post, recognize banter for what it is. I dive the way my buddy wants to dive, be it man or woman. If they wants to go to 120-150 ft on a wreck in cold water, I am certainly game. If they want to hang out at 30 ft and watch fish, hey that's fun too (and better for bottom time). Most of the women that I dive around fit into the second category. Most of the men fit into the first. My normal dive buddy for tech diving and I will do both. We will do a deep, long, deco dive on the deep side of the quarry one dive and then burn up the remainder of our doubles playing around with the fish on the shallow side. His wife won't go below forty ft. unless they are in the Caribbean. Ideally, if I had an SO, she would do the deep and shallow dives as well. But, I dive my buddy's preferences, whatever they are. Every dive has it's charm. I do not *leave* my testosterone behind completely, ever. That is against my biology as a hetrosexual male. :) I do *tone it down* around women.

For some reason, around ladies, my language is a little cleaner and I try to be a little more polite. This was true about John Wayne as well (at least in his movies). :) I was actually yelled at several times in my last relationship about driving more carefully with her in the sports car than I would by myself. I use women's influence to balance out my more masculine traits. That is all. I feel that this is the reason that many men want a significant other. So, while it seems like we kow-tow a bit, I do believe the women know instinctively what is an act, who is a really nice guy with a bit of an adventurous streak, and who is a guy who should have the surgery and get it over with.

Somehow, I thing most men fall into categories one and two. I know that I can fit into both 1 and 2 depending on when you catch me. ;)
diverbrian once bubbled...

For some reason, around ladies, my language is a little cleaner and I try to be a little more polite. This was true about John Wayne as well (at least in his movies). :)

I was actually yelled at several times in my last relationship about driving more carefully with her in the sports car than I would by myself.

Yea, I clean it up a little. But some how we always end up talking about there sexual preferences. What they like. What they'll do. Don't know how we end up on that. I always ask if I brought it up... They always agree they started the conversation. And no, they ain't sluts.. Just comfortable talkin about adult things with me....LOL Cause, we're adults....LOL Some people have way to many hang ups about that stuff...

And one girlfriend used to move around on the back of my Motorcycle when we got up to 150-160 mph range. I finally asked her what the hell she was doing. She said she wanted to look to see how fast we were going....LOL.... Cause she liked speed...LOL...

One girl wouldn't talk to me and said I was nuts when I set the cruise control at 114 mph. But after 6 months I saw her and she kept talking about how we needed to go for a ride again.. Cause she couldn't stop thinking about the speed.

Came home one night with a girl friend and once on the interstate hit 150mph and left it there for 40 miles till our exit. She was, well, Very appreciative. LOL... She loved the speed too. She's married now and were still friends. Although I don't get to see her much. And she still talks about that night... Every time I see her...

Don't drive fast as much anymore. But Girls still like it... But It's still nuts....LOL....

I also don't drive yugo's. The cars and bikes are always stable at speed. 150 in a Ford Tarus is nuts. 150 in a Porsche Turbo. Is just getting to cruising speed....

And I like diving with girls... I'd rather look at a girl then a guy. And I believe in keeping an eye on your Buddy.... Nice if your buddy has a nice butt too...LOL
How do you women feel about male instructors? I myself had a great experience with a female instructor and several not so great with men.

I have a friend who on a night dive for her AOW, buddied up with her male instructor. At one point he motioned for her to hand over her light and promptly turned it off. She thinks he swam away a distance, and immediately checked her watch. 5 minutes later he came back and handed over her light. she was terrified. out of the water, he did not explain, and brushed her off.

My LDS offers a ladies only OW and AOW class that is very popular. Many women opt to take it without thier spouses!
diverbrian once bubbled...
As for the shining and buffing of things like shoes. Yes, we had guys in boot camp that kept them around for that very reason.

Oh, did you mean men being impressed by someone's common sense and ingeniuity? :)

The answer to that should be yes as well. If it isn't, I know why men get a bad name. :) Also, if it isn't, maybe you should look up somebody like me ;).

We nice, straight arrow guys are full of surprises. ;)


See what I missed! I can just see guys lockers full of 'girl stuff' for shining shoes... I am always impressed by common sense & ingenuity - traits that are far too uncommon! People seem to have lost the ability to think on for themselves. I am always trying to learn new things - keeps me interesting.

Some men may get a bad name, but for the most part, guys are pretty straightforward, I prefer their company over most (note I said most) women I know, probably because I would rather be doing something (diving, waverunning, boating, white water rafting, skiing) then sitting on the beach worrying if my tan is even & my lip gloss on.

Yes -GQMedic - we have become overly politcally correct & gender neutral & it is a shame. There is a difference & we should celebrate it & not 'dumb' everyone down to the lowest common denominator. I like my men to be manly & respectful, as long as they let me come along & play too - be it diving or racing around at 100 plus miles per hour (had my '89 Nissan Pulsar up to 117).
The guy bashing and stereotyping gets pretty bad ;-0
I think there are more men in this forum than women.

But I would think that sooner or later, you can't avoid the concept of diving with men, because in proportion, there are more male divers than women.

That's reality.
diverjed once bubbled...
I think there are more men in this forum than women.

But I would think that sooner or later, you can't avoid the concept of diving with men, because in proportion, there are more male divers than women.

That's reality.
And that's a good thing... coming from a female diver. :)

I like diving with the guys for the most part. I have had more male buddies than female. Each and every buddy has had a unique style, some get cold easily, some like to collect fish.... One of my current male dive buddies did a 2 hour dive with me! Talk about good bottom time!
ZenSquirrel once bubbled...
Is your friend a pushy, aggressive, bossy person when he is on dry land? If he is not, then it is likely that he will not be like that under water.

My vote, if you like him enough on land to call him a friend then you will probably be able to dive with him too. People don't often change their stripes.

Well put!

Male-female, if you like them as a person, and they have similar skills and interests, diver-wise, it should be a fun dive. If not, chalk one up for experience.

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