*rolls eyes*
It seems to be ever so politically correct for women to be so emasculating to men to the point of demeaning them. Further, men who cater to it, and emasculate themselves just to find acceptance by the women who do this, well, all I can say is pick a side of the fence, fellas. If you choose to emasculate yourself, there's a surgical proceedure for that, along with hormone injections, your all set to go. But the men who kiss up to women who have thiese views about men, are pathetic.
I like the mention of the dislike of men who are "macho" in diving. Ok, while Mr. Testosterone is laughable, so are women who are too "girly". I don't NOT dive with women because they may all the sudden menstrate, break a nail or shriek EEK through their regs if they see a sea slug. I also don't complain if the diver next to me just happens to be ovulating.
I've encountered a wide array of the aforementioned situational divers in diving. Rather then generalize the gender, I generalize laughable individuals as "dorks". It's an excellent classification for such people.
I refuse to leave my penis at home when diving so I can find acceptance by what is for all intensive purposes a way too popular man hating female dive populous.
Some of "us" are trainable, MAYBE, but I'm certainly not. Pardon me while I go do something masculine, like feel what I feel and think for myself.
It seems to be ever so politically correct for women to be so emasculating to men to the point of demeaning them. Further, men who cater to it, and emasculate themselves just to find acceptance by the women who do this, well, all I can say is pick a side of the fence, fellas. If you choose to emasculate yourself, there's a surgical proceedure for that, along with hormone injections, your all set to go. But the men who kiss up to women who have thiese views about men, are pathetic.
I like the mention of the dislike of men who are "macho" in diving. Ok, while Mr. Testosterone is laughable, so are women who are too "girly". I don't NOT dive with women because they may all the sudden menstrate, break a nail or shriek EEK through their regs if they see a sea slug. I also don't complain if the diver next to me just happens to be ovulating.
I've encountered a wide array of the aforementioned situational divers in diving. Rather then generalize the gender, I generalize laughable individuals as "dorks". It's an excellent classification for such people.
I refuse to leave my penis at home when diving so I can find acceptance by what is for all intensive purposes a way too popular man hating female dive populous.
Some of "us" are trainable, MAYBE, but I'm certainly not. Pardon me while I go do something masculine, like feel what I feel and think for myself.