Diving with men

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DM - How will you ever know unless you try? If they are 'good' buddies, they won't hassle you about being cold, taking a minute to center yourself, adjusting gear or calling the dive for low air, or calling the dive for any reason.

As for the freaking out factor, hopefully most men are adult enough to deal with it. Now, as for the 'ingenuity factor', DiverBrian, I am very impressed!! Does that really work? :D

And congratulations on the new dog!
Most of my dive buddies have been men. Granted a few were twits of the macho nature and are no longer on my buddy list, but most of them have been very good and could care less about "women's" issues. I'm a caver and am quite use to the mostly male twist of things.
Go for it girl. The more dive buddies you have the more you can dive. Plus you learn different things from different buddies.
Ok, not really. Lets start with something that you can relate to. First of all, dogs are MAN's best friend. Not WOMAN's. However, due to the superiority of women, dogs are willing to act intelligently and associate with women.

The reason dogs are MAN's best friends is...well...frankly, we men need them. Without them we get lost, lonely, and they provide a ready source of amusement for us [they can do some interesting things that we can't].

So in considering your decision, consider the decision of the dog. Be willing to step down to our level in order to keep us from getting lost during a dive or being lonely during a surface interval.

Thanks for being our buddy.


P.S. And one other thing, we will look to you as a ready source of amusement as well.......sorry, I had to do that :bonk:
but i choose to take it as a compliment!!!

Otter once bubbled...
P.S. And one other thing, we will look to you as a ready source of amusement as well.......sorry, I had to do that :bonk:
divemistress once bubbled...
...i choose to take it as a compliment!!!

Yes...women can do some pretty amazing things! Some of them are even amusing...
Some of my best dive buddies have been men. OK, so I get cold quicker, but they run out of air faster. No, I'm not the first one off the boat, but ya know, its been a female that was the only person I ever had become impatient with waiting for me to get ready. And as for the period thing...in 11 years of diving, it has never been an issue...until this board.

So dive, dive, dive.
Some of us are trainable. I would think that you should be able to get a read on this guy's behavior out of the water first. If he doesn't come across as a meat head give him the benefit of the doubt.

Besides, if he acts up when you dive, next time he invites you to dive you can tell him you're on your period.
Jersey once bubbled...
DM - How will you ever know unless you try? If they are 'good' buddies, they won't hassle you about being cold, taking a minute to center yourself, adjusting gear or calling the dive for low air, or calling the dive for any reason.

Now, as for the 'ingenuity factor', DiverBrian, I am very impressed!! Does that really work? :D

As for the shining and buffing of things like shoes. Yes, we had guys in boot camp that kept them around for that very reason.

Oh, did you mean men being impressed by someone's common sense and ingeniuity? :)

The answer to that should be yes as well. If it isn't, I know why men get a bad name. :) Also, if it isn't, maybe you should look up somebody like me ;).

We nice, straight arrow guys are full of surprises. ;)

Have fun and keep diving!

You all probably had some bad experiences with the average male diver.

I suggest some of you come dive with me. I need someone to hold my lobster bag open, string up the fish while I'm loading the gun, and I need someone small I can push up under that ledge to grab that far away bug. I'll even give you a fillet or tail at the end of the day ;)

PS. Gas isn't free. Have money and lunch ready at the dock.

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