It's real easy to get gigundo size manuals after scanning. You have to do the proper selection of color/resolution. Scanning in B&W will bleed the opposite side through sometimes.
If your scanning software has an OCR (optical character recognition) setting, go with that. It'll do about 200dpi & be the most readable. You may otherwise get away with 150dpi, but going smaller will make the small print fuzz out.
I always undo the pages from any bindings so the pages lay flat.
Lotsa things to mess with for scanning, it took me quite a while to get things to a happy compromise between quality & file size, and I suspect that every scanner model & software package will be different.
You can zip the critters too, that'll knock some of the size down.
When you get around to emailing the critters, add: to the recipient list, sending a to several folks at once will take the same time as sending to just one.
Anybody have an original Unisuit manual from the early 70's? There's an outstanding section in it on seal replacement. (neoprene fabrication & glueing)
If your scanning software has an OCR (optical character recognition) setting, go with that. It'll do about 200dpi & be the most readable. You may otherwise get away with 150dpi, but going smaller will make the small print fuzz out.
I always undo the pages from any bindings so the pages lay flat.
Lotsa things to mess with for scanning, it took me quite a while to get things to a happy compromise between quality & file size, and I suspect that every scanner model & software package will be different.
You can zip the critters too, that'll knock some of the size down.
When you get around to emailing the critters, add: to the recipient list, sending a to several folks at once will take the same time as sending to just one.
Anybody have an original Unisuit manual from the early 70's? There's an outstanding section in it on seal replacement. (neoprene fabrication & glueing)