Diving knife - Weapon or not??

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I generally use my knife to cut steak, or pork chops, or veal cuttlets, or grilled salmon (but that just usually falls apart because it's so flaky).

I dare say you'll never run into any "Thunderball" scenarios while recreational diving.

About the only place you'd need it is in the seedy bar where you're sucking down beers after a dive. But since you're not diving, it wouldn't be a dive knife, now would it?

It only becomes a dive knife when ya go diving with it.

the K
We can't forget what dive knives are really for: holding in our teeth as we swing across a sail-line while boarding unsuspecting merchant vessels.

If you get into Wreck Diving...
a blunt point will allow you to influence your environment...:D

And be very careful resheathing it...especially if you are wearing a drysuit...:D
Aaaarrrrggghhhh . . . matey !!!

the K-aptain Kidd
...unless, of course, you are a foreigner, in which case the drive to discriminate and blame foreigners for everything that's wrong in society outweighs the drive to think....oh, and don't forget to put on your stupid I'm-a-foreigner-but-I'll-take-all-of-your-BS-because-I'm-supposed-to-be-SO-VERY-grateful-that-you-tolerate-my-dirty-stinking-foreign-presence-in-this-otherwise-perfect-and-sacred-square-metre-of-planet-earth smile.....)

but I digress.....

Hey! I thought they only did that in Japan! No wonder they let the Dutch in early here.
As to knives being weapons and solely designed to kill, I'm sure that's what they'd tell you in some combat oriented class but I have to agree with our Anthro major. Knives developed from Axes as tools. Drop me in the forest with a knife, and I'll live quite comfortably without using it as a weapon...indefinitely. Thanks, of course, to the knife. Oh knife. How did we ever live without you?
If you encounter, say, a shark or pygmie sperm whale intent on doing you harm underwater....the best defense is to float very still about half-way to the surface and play dead. eyebrow
I might be tempted to use the knife against, say, a giant octopus but I think harpoons are better for those. I'll have to ask Captain N.
Baseball bat. Designed soley to kill? Bob, you have seen too many episodes of the Sopranos. Kitchen knives, swiss army knives, dive knives, designed soley to kill? Evil, I think you have to study knives a little more. There have to be some military types out there somewhere. I bet my paycheck that the average marine has a hundred uses for his k-bar other than killing someone. JMO.

Not wanting to add to the hijack of this thread.

But when I left in '95 it was indeed as Roatan mentions.Eventhough my Dutch (language) was better that most Dutch, I had studied and payed taxes......I was still classified by law as a different class of citizen (eventhough carrying a Dutch passport). Went abroad, and lived in many other countries, where such a thing does not seem to exist. The government tried to do the right thing, but didnt think it through..............in terms of reality.

-End of Hijack.
Baseball bat. Designed soley to kill? Bob, you have seen too many episodes of the Sopranos. Kitchen knives, swiss army knives, dive knives, designed soley to kill? Evil, I think you have to study knives a little more. There have to be some military types out there somewhere. I bet my paycheck that the average marine has a hundred uses for his k-bar other than killing someone. JMO.


Yup (Army though, not Marine). The K-Bar is designed and most functional for the express purpose of opening MREs and care-packages.

:D I have talked to alot of divers that tell me that a "dive knife" is not a weapon. But from what i know about knives (which is alot) is that they were designed souly to kill. Yes of course they can be used as other tools, but their main purpose is to protect ones self.Yes, there are knives but that have blunt tips, but do those really count as real knives? To me there are more like just blades without a point or a prying device with a sharp edge on it. what are your opinions on the knives divers carry? Are they a weapon to make you feel safer in the new environment your in? or are they a multi tool used for whatever your heart desires?


Did you ever look at your dining table and kitchen drawers? Most knives are for cutting, not killing - and this is what you're most likely to use a dive knife for. That and prying, sawing or occasionally hammering and poking. The last thing on a diver's mind (unless he's a Navy Seal or some other form of combat diver) is using a knife as a weapon.
The BFKs do have their purpose. When you see somebody wearing one, it helps you more easily identify that as a diver to avoid. Kind of a "dullard alarm".

Think about it like this: either your knife is a tool, or you are. :D


Lovely response!

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