Ok, I guess I may as well post my guess of what happened in view of my previous experiences there.
The dive was planned well with plenty of BO gas. The divers had the certs to do the dive and had been in Eagles Nest before. . .
They went through the restriction and did their dive into Revelation Space. Upon their return to the restriction the vis was either not very good or the first diver out mucked it up for the second diver. The second diver had difficulty getting out the restriction either by going on the wrong side of the line or being in too much of a heads up position and his rebreather not clearing the ceiling. After several minutes of trying to get out the diver decided that he must remove his rebreather to get out. Since his Bo is also clipped to the same harness then he effectively becomes no mount at this point. He is buoyant as hell but the ceiling works in his favor. He pushes the rebreather and tank through the restriction and his buddy helps pull them out. by the time the diver is out of the restriction he has probably pretty much used up that entire tank and the visibilty is completely gone in that area and the silt cloud is bellowing into the room of dreams. As the diver trys to locate and get his RB back on his buoyancy takes him on a hell ride to the ceiling with his BO tank and his buddy goes to the rescue with his own BO. As they float at the ceiling they see nothing through the silt below them and decide to exit relying on their BO and staged tanks. I highly doubt that either of them even looked at their deco obligation until this time.
Pick it apart all you want, I have not interest in trying to justify my thoughts. The fact that they were still together until the end tells me that regardless of how things went, they worked together and did everything to the best of their ability, knowledge, and experience to stay alive.
I believe, as others have already said, that the fatal mistake was in not taking the time needed to locate and get back into the rebreather. It is entirely possible that due to the circumstances that this was either not a possibility or was perceived as such in one or both of their minds.