it's worse than ever lately
It may seem that way at times.
I don’t think the phenomenon is confined to cave diving forums, or scuba forums for that matter. A number of observers have commented on what is not infrequently referred to as a ‘bumper sticker mentality’ (
Urban Dictionary: Bumper Sticker Mentality) approach to discourse. This approach requires the frequent use of invective, and the repeating of ’slogans’ or clichés, irrespective of whether they are reasonable, or contribute to a reasoned argument. It appears that we no longer can simply hold an opinion. We must shout that opinion at the top of our voices, because apparently volume is more important than substance. Some have argued that this reflects a level of dis-inhibition associated with the impersonal environment of the Internet. OK, that is quite possible. Others argue that this is a simplistic assessment, and the deeper issue is the absence of an ability of some to engage in competent cognitive discourse, or an unwillingness of some to even make the effort to offer informed comment (the ‘argument by laziness’ view). Extremist views seem to abound - the ‘If I am totally convinced that I am right, then it is obvious that others are wrong’ mindset (
Extremist Argument).
In past times, the most readily available forum for expression of individual opinions was the ‘Letters to the Editor’ column in newspapers. However, submissions to these forums did undergo at least some scrutiny, and the more inane, offensive and inappropriate comments were not infrequently weeded out. As the evolution of radio, and then television talk shows progressed, extremism was no longer censored by rational and impartial editorials effort, but was actually encouraged by the hosts of the shows, because extremism enhanced ratings. Now, social media, and Internet forums have expanded the breadth of opportunity for these submissions. And, internet forums generally do not have the same level of scrutiny as newspapers, or even radio / TV talk shows, try as some forums may.
Nonetheless, we will continue to make the effort on SB to keep discussions on track, to limit the emotional diatribes, etc. We probably will not be entirely successful. And, one person's 'extremism' is quite possibly another person's 'courageous and incisive comment'. Nevertheless, we will continue to make the effort to promote reasoned discussion.