I cannot agree with your ideas enough.
If you take a good look around and start to really understand what is going on socially and politically, ever so slowly, each and every one of our rights are being removed.
For example, we have no right to not wear a seat belt without fear from prosecution, most of us have no right to not wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle without the fear of prosecution, here in NY we have no right to talk on a cellular phone without a headset while driving without fear of prosecution, we have no right to own firearms without being on a list any government agent can look at (read the gun control laws of Germany in the 1930's, they are eerily similar to the current US laws), children under 16 have no right to ride a bicycle without a helmet, we have no right to plan our own retirement without contributing to everyone else's (social security) I can continue for a long time if anyone wishes, but I think you get my point.
Given the opportunity, government tends to take away personal freedoms whenever they can, it is all about "gaining power and keeping power".
Now, you are suggesting that we allow the government to remove more of our personal freedoms? I think not, I agree with the whole natural selection idea, if a person chooses to risk their life and the dice comes up snake-eyes, that is how things happens. Who am I to dictate what they can or cannot do, I just won't involve myself with them.
And Wolfeel, one final thought, I want to understand why in two seperate threads when evidence of "not being legally bound to perform firstaid/rescue" has been presented, you ignore the information and/or start another thread and suggest again that you would be held legally responsible?