Yes, I'm a fairly new diver with close to 40 dives under my belt. What I guess I'm not is thick-skinned enough to deal with argumentative comments. I want to learn as I love the sport. But I'd prefer to learn without people being mean in how they "teach" me with their commentary and prose. Don't get me wrong, some of the comments have been quite insightful while others have been downright combative. Those types of comments make me wish I never posted my comments.
FYI - to those who've asked - while Lee was descending due to equipment failure that I was unaware of, I was on the surface struggling to get down. By the time I got to the bottom, I assumed the current had taken him on with the group and I quickly tried to catch up and find him. Perhaps I should have stated that from the beginning of my post but I did not see it to be relevant.
Apparently no matter how I would state it, some of you lofty, more experienced divers would find a problem with what is written and a way to poke holes in it. Cest la vie...
Some people are blunt in their presentation.... it takes a bit to get used to that. Fact is in a private environment we "choose" who we communicate with. Those we find abrasive we avoid. We don't have that luxury here, when we ask a question we will get everything from nice to nasty... enjoy the nice... but learn from all! It is a harder for some of us to learn from the gruff presentation but if we are wise we will do just that!

Many of the posters are experienced divers and instructors whose knowledge should be respected even if their presentation isn't easy to swallow!
Hatred? No hatred here, just trying to provide some thoughts on a situation as it was presented to me. I am happy to admit that I have a lot to learn. Perhaps you and your friend should also turn things around and look inward for some degree of fallacy as well.
Well put!
This is funny since no one was hurt. "Lee and I are both independent divers so I was certain we'd connect somewhere along the drift dive." :shocked2: Darwin candidate or do you already have children?
BTW, I am posting as a maverick attitude diver as well who learned to admit my mistakes better in this same sub-forum. I'm not suggesting something I haven't done myself. You'll learn much more off of your high horse than riding it.
Female poster confirmed.

Maybe some other lady divers would like to help out here since we don't speak girl talk?
Yeah, learning is the thing here. We like it to be fun, but most of all do learn.


It was obvious the OP was feeling a tad attacked here and until your posts I figured people were being perhaps blunt but I hadn't seen anyone just being nasty! IMHO you are still firmly mounted on your own high horse here! If the purpose of you post was to "help" the OP see the error of her ways I suspect you lost all chance of that with your opening line and cemented it with your conclusion.

You have posted some great info on SB I would hate for this rant to close the OP's mind to all those.
I am a female but I speak English not "girl speak" and I don't assume anything about a person, what they say or how they dive based on gendre!
I really don't think this is a female vs. male issue. I think this has more to do with attitude, how much responsibility one takes for oneself, one's willingness to learn from their mistakes, indeed, to even admit a mistake happened.
fairybasslet You are dead on accurate here and I think there are lots of lessons to be learned here and not just about diving. Reexamining communication skills is worthwhile as well. People are less inclined to listen if they are offended but some of us get offended easier than others too. I admit I have had to learn a bit of that here too.
So let me recap
A) If you are going to dive solo (independant) be prepared, properly trained and qualified to do so with all the right equipment
B) If A does not apply all of the following DO APPLY
1) Buddy check
2) Communicate with your buddy at the surface... agree when you are going to descend.
3) As you start to descend face your buddy and make sure they are descending as well... (this way if they can't "get down" you can stay with them or surface to assist
4) At the bottom before commencing the dive make sure both you and your buddy's equipment is okay and you are ready to continue the dive
5) During the dive maintain buddy contact suitable to the conditions
6) Follow appropriate lost buddy proceedure if you lose your buddy. (If diving with a DM or Group advise someone else to assist if reasonably possible)
I agree with most ... the other diver had a respnsibility to their buddy that over rode their responsibility to stay with someone else that did not appear to be imminent danger as evidenced by his safely executing an exit. It would be interesting to know if your buddy indicated to that other diver that he was in trouble or reflexively gave the OK signal when he indicated the inflater hose. Many divers would not consider a problem such as discribed to be a significant event.
I don't know what the proceedure is there but I have done a lot of Group dives and a lot of drift and boat dives and I have always had a buddy! Short of getting Solo Diver Certification I will always have a buddy and follow the training I was given as above. I have also learned a lot from some of the Gruff ole Condgers on SB :worship: