Diving and "the Keeper" (not the diving kind!)

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'K MEN: READ NO FUTHER. I CAN NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT MAY HAPPEN (i.e. nightmares, eyes bleading, and/or screaming and running from the room) IF YOU CONTINUE TO READ.

I've used it and it doesn't create any problems while at depth. It doesn't create any extra little spaces, other than what is already there. It can be a little messy until you get the hang of it, took a few cycles for me to be comfortable with it. Basically, think of it as a little rubbery cup with a nib on the end. Put the cup in, it fills, use the nib to remove the cup out, dump, rinse and repeat. With 'the keeper' you rinse and reuse. It is not disposable (better for the environment). There are some called 'Instead' (I think) at the drugstore that are disposable. Depending on how heavy the flow, you may not need to dump it as often as you would need to change a tampon. Also it reduces the risk of TSS. Since the boats I've been on have a sink in the head, it makes it easy. On a dive boat it sure beats the hassel of tampons.

Can you imagine: "Hey macho boat guy. I'd just love to slip down into the bunk area to grab a tampon out of my bag, but you see I'm standing here dripping wet in my wetsuit and I remember how firmly you stated nothing wet in the bunk area. So do you mind, no really, do you mind? It is that little pink and white stick thing." Heck, I can't even get my husband to go buy them for me; can you imagine getting a deck hand to get one out of my bag?
Ann Marie:
Can you imagine: "Hey macho boat guy. I'd just love to slip down into the bunk area to grab a tampon out of my bag, but you see I'm standing here dripping wet in my wetsuit and I remember how firmly you stated nothing wet in the bunk area. So do you mind, no really, do you mind? It is that little pink and white stick thing." Heck, I can't even get my husband to go buy them for me can you imagine getting a deck hand to get one out of my bag.
:D (I need a bigger stupid grin, but you get the idea)
I'd LOVE to give that a try!!!!
Sorry I'm not a guy, thought the Leesa part was clear :wink:. I lived in Europe for years and we didn't have it over there and since I'm back I never heard of it either

Hee hee, Leeso! I know you're not a guy! That comment was for the previous post, about their male friends turning green from TMI, lol! I figured that the thread was going to get a bit graphic, so I thought an advance apology was in order...

Anyway, to answer the other question about whether it works...I've heard from girls that have tried both instead and the keeper that instead is harder to remove, and leaks more. The keeper is, uh, longer...so you don't have to go 'swimming' for it, if you get my drift.

It takes some practice, for sure. I wasn't too confident with it the first month or two, but if you can believe it, it actually comes with a money-back guarantee for three months, so if you can't get the hang of it, you send it back. It's made of rubber, and it's good for about ten years! They made a new one called the Diva Cup, which I'm totally intruiged with, cause it's made of silicone instead, and you can boil it to sterilize it.

I absolutely love it. It's an adjustment, for sure, but now I am conscience-free about the waste created from other products, and I feel more natural, if that makes sense. It paid for itself within months, and I'm never going back! Now that I hear it's cool for diving, it makes me even more happy. I know I sound like I work for them, lol...I thought the girl who told me about them was from some kind of cult, but now I get it...it's very liberating when you never have to run to the store, you know?
I have the Divacup and I am way happier with it than tampons, pads etc... Took a little while to adjust to but it wasn't that big of a deal. Way more comfortable to me.

The Instead cups work differently than the Divacup or the Keeper, they are disposable and go 'higher up'.... Sorry for providing that image, don't know how to describe other then that.

As to airspaces, the Divacup (And I believe the Keeper) has little holes around the upper rim, I imagine that would allow equalization - Don't have any proof, that is just my guess. I asked the manufaturer before purchasing it and they said Diving was not a problem, and I have not had any trouble.

It makes my days as a Divemaster much easier, on heavy work (and flow) when I am in my drysuit (or wetsuit at times) from 9:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon, I don't have any chance for a 'extended' bathroom break.
I have used the Keeper for years - and have quit using tampons completely. I find it to me much more comfortable -- eco-friendly and better for my body.

I even keep an extra one in my save a dive kit - just in case I get surprised so I don't have to go to using a tampon.

It has never been an issue when diving. I agree with Orion that it is much easier on those DM days when you have to have an extended bathroom break.

Thanks for the information...
I have never heard of a keeper or of instead. I know that during my time of the month I have in the past dived with a tampon without any issues at all. I have on the other hand have issues while flying-- but I am not sure if that was a women's issue, or just general gas that made me sooo very uncomfortable while up in the sky.

I like the fact that you guys are being so open and honest about this typically taboo subject. We need some directness in this world! :)
Oh geez.

Okay, first, thanks SO much for answering my question. I feel much better now, and I'm really excited to have found this board, because I'm LOVING diving (even though I haven't been out of the pool yet, lol!).

To the guys on here, I'm really sorry to girly-up your macho diver site :eyebrow: Don't read further if the 'girl' aisle at the drugstore freaks you out, heh heh. The keeper is an alternative to traditional feminine hygiene products, and it's kind of like a 'cup'; it works in kind of the same way as a diaphragm (sp?). If you want more info, just check out their website, and you can absolutely PM me if you have any questions, and I'll give you the, um, explicit details.

Okay, the rest of my posts will be purely diving-related, lol!

I am a female and had no idea what a "keeper" was. So thanks for your info. I have never had any probs with traditional feminine hygiene products while diving. Welcome to SB :)
So much easier with the Keeper or Instead while on a boat with a small head or NO head. It's soooo tiring choosing which boats to charter based on it's head. Or camping at quarries before the porta-johns are there.

One of the funniest stories was when we were diving off a big 'ole fishing tug. It had a pretty gross head jerry-rigged on it for the divers. No sink. No nothing but a toilet of sorts and a roll of TP. A female friend of mine was in there for a looooong time. Seems she had placed her new tampon on a board screwed into the metal wall just under the TP roller. The tampon fell between the board and the wall. She tried to reach into the small space for some time but wound up ripping the darn board off the wall! We laugh about it every time we are back on that boat and the men have no idea what the joke is! :wink:
Ann Marie:
'K MEN: READ NO FUTHER. I CAN NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT MAY HAPPEN (i.e. nightmares, eyes bleading, and/or screaming and running from the room) IF YOU CONTINUE TO READ.

I've used it and it doesn't create any problems while at depth. It doesn't create any extra little spaces, other than what is already there. It can be a little messy until you get the hang of it, took a few cycles for me to be comfortable with it. Basically, think of it as a little rubbery cup with a nib on the end. Put the cup in, it fills, use the nib to remove the cup out, dump, rinse and repeat. With 'the keeper' you rinse and reuse. It is not disposable (better for the environment). There are some called 'Instead' (I think) at the drugstore that are disposable. Depending on how heavy the flow, you may not need to dump it as often as you would need to change a tampon. Also it reduces the risk of TSS. Since the boats I've been on have a sink in the head, it makes it easy. On a dive boat it sure beats the hassel of tampons.

Oh Oh god oh i thought that was just a funny looking shot glass for mouth wash on the bathroom sink OOH yup thats puke in my mouth i got spit it out. No but serious this is great info, I will be showing my fiance the thread and the web site. I know she has had concerns about the cotton harpoon and diving at depth.
Thanks girls
We havent been on a live aboard or any remote boats (working on that money thing :) ) but we do go camping/diving in places were there isnt always a bathroom or a very less then convenient bathroom is available. This is good info to have. Were are these "keepers" available? Feel free to tell me to scroll back. I have read the whole post but I miss things easily in my excitment lol

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