Personally, I think it has less to do with time passing and more to do with those who act like adults and understand moderation can probably have a beer on an SI, not make a production out of it, and do just fine. Of course going along with the standard trope of "why we can't have nice things," a group of boobs (i.e. Capt. Budweiser's) will turn a beer into a six pack or two, do stupid things, catch it on a cell phone, put it on You Tube, then somebody gets hurt, and down the rabbit hole we go...not to mention the heinousness of people getting hurt or killed doing stupid s**t. Better, easier, & safer for everyone to just go with "your first drink is your last dive" and call it a day. Honestly if somebody HAS to have a beer, they probably shouldn't no matter the circumstance. What you do when the scuba police aren't around is up to you. At some point Darwinian rules kick in. (Noting this post is not in Basic or New Divers) All this from someone who has on rare occasion had a "Bright" with my "donor brood" while shore diving in Bonaire. All IMHO, YMMV.
Sorry I digressed...
Sorry I digressed...
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