Don Janni:Not like the rest of Tennessee... humm??!?
As for the point your were trying to make... you could be on to something there. I think there is less fear and paranoia in general in those states. There's still places in the Ozarks where they hunt to eat... all on the Missouri side mind you.
Ok I just cant let this go. I mean its pretty funny and there has been quite a few well known dumb asses from our fine state that make things bad for all of us. I just can't get over the stereotyping. But that is fine I would like you to think poorly of us and stay out of our state. Its full. Its also beautiful. I hunt for food. I dont have to I love it. I eat fish. Oh MY God! My ten year old daughter is a crack shot. She has been down a few feet with me <6'. She has helped me skin deer, clean ducks, butcher squirrels, and been duck hunting with me. I have taken her to Cozumel, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Key West, Bahama's. She has been professionally trained on a SSASY. Oh and I am a Doctor. I love the outside world thinking we are Gomers so maybe they will stay out of my wonderful state. A state where your neighbor will actually speak to you while looking you in the eye. Yeah he may be bare foot but he will look you in the eye just the same!