.My first impression of the video is holy cow this can't be good. The hard line diver in me thinks "they should not be doing that". I should not have taken my daughter down five feet breathing off of my reg either. I know it. You know it. It is a chance I took; a chance you take; a chance they took. I think everyone who puts a regulator in their mouths and goes under water takes a chance. Some are more careless than others however. I may be full of sh...t and have a laugh at life most of the time but when I dive I take it serious. I think that is the way we keep coming back. If the video isn't fake then I would think that the diver, based on his gear, is well trained or experienced. I really dont know if that makes it alright. If so, then at what depth is the cut off. At what age do we as a group allow such an action. The truth be told, we should only allow such action when the "child" is really an adult and can answer to the dangers of diving in the first place. I think I am an eternal student of the sport. I dont ever want to feel like I know enough. My wife is currently off with an instructor learning to dive. I am not interfering or influencing her experience. Her training or desire is not up to me. I just hope she loves diving like I do. If not there is always gardening.