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You guys are driving me crazy. Someone please tell me why they think the OP put himself into deco? His buddy computer beeped but he didn't state he was in deco (other than guessing in later posts).

Just trying to keep it real (well, as real as the interwebs can get anyways).
This thread is kind of like an inkblot Rorschach test. We can see many different things, depending upon our perspective.

As with most after-the-fact and only-one-side participating threads, it's not clear what really went on. It probably isn't even clear to the original poster why the DM was so insistent on getting them to cut short their safety stop.

If the reason was for the DM to get to a cold beer or a hot date, he was out of line.

If there was some sort of emergency that meant they needed to move the boat in a hurry, then the DM was correct in intent, but should have explained what the hurry was for.

If the DM was ticked off at a couple divers that didn't follow instructions and were going to make the boat late for the next dive trip, then the divers were out of line for disregarding the plan and the DM was unprofessional in his response.

It's hard to say what really happened, but that's never stopped us from discussing anything before.

You guys are driving me crazy. Someone please tell me why they think the OP put himself into deco? His buddy computer beeped but he didn't state he was in deco (other than guessing in later posts).

Just trying to keep it real (well, as real as the interwebs can get anyways).
Original Poster's post #10:
My buddy then pulled his computer out of the water and said " see look, can't you hear it beeping". The dive leaders response was I don't need a safety stop, why do you think you do.
I don't know if the buddy's computer was in deco or not, but a more professional DM would have looked at the computer, and discussed the customer's concerns about his beeping rental computer.

Even if the DM knew that the profile was relatively mild and the reason the computer was beeping is that he forgot to clear out the residual nitrogen record from earlier dives by other users of the computer or the beeping was nothing more than a low battery, ignoring the beeping computer is very strange.
It probably isn't even clear to the original poster why the DM was so insistent on getting them to cut short their safety stop.

You bring up an interesting and plausible possibility.
The stated reason late in the thread was "you'll get hit by the boat."
Sounds like bad boat drills to me.

Does this operation have no contingency plans.... even the idea of a diver surfacing 2 minutes late freaks them out?!?

God help them if they ever suffer a real incident...
Then it is a bad spot to dive at and they should go to a safer place where people can enjoy their dive and get to do their precautionary stop without being harassed???
Then it is a bad spot to dive at and they should go to a safer place where people can enjoy their dive and get to do their precautionary stop without being harassed???

Maybe. Or they could plan a dive such that their precautionary stop is completed within the allotted time.

Many of the good local wrecks in my area within the boundaries of this map. Also within those boundaries is the port where pretty much all ocean-going exports from Asia enter the United States. Needless to say, it's pretty busy with very large container ships (as well as the Catalina ferries and variety of commercial and private boats). It's also prone to currents and poor surface visibility (fog).

If you want to dive those wrecks, you have to accept the risks, and you're well-advised to prepare for them as best you can.

I don't know the first thing about Aruba, so I won't begin to second guess dive op policy from here in southern California.

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