This is the stuff of my nightmares.
I've dived Barracuda a few times. Have a lot of dives, and have to admit that I still get a little nervous doing it. I worry about downcurrents primarily as the current sweeps across the reef very strongly at times, I worry a little less (but still quite a bit) about getting lost as I dive it with Christi's op and I know Pedro and Nivo are on the ball, and if I stay at or behind the DM, i'm good. Carry all my own signaling gear, but if the conditions are poor and you get separated, even an SMB may be hard to see.
It's completely different IMO than the southern reefs. There is a certain type of reef top life up there that is unmistakably "Barracuda." During eagle ray season you can see congregations there, although I haven't been at that time. Flying over the reef is a thrill, but best left to experienced divers. Last time I did it a less experienced guy brought his pole spear to go after lionfish. In a couple knot current, yeah that didn't go too well. LOL