wolf eel
What school is that ? Also I have never been a fan of any person making money on war that throughs the balance of what is right for the people and what is right for the company and you need to test and do R&D which costs money unless you test it in the field for real. Nobody needs to make 24 billion every two days or something like that ? The first 24 sure past that put the rest into the world you are fighting to save maybe we would not need to fight as long. Also off topic but needs to be said I agree with the movement to shut down these out of control countries.zboss Go back to skool... nobody forces anybody to do anything of the sort. I'm not a fan of cheney but the man earned his money like a good capitalist and dosn't need to give it to anyone. I am sure his portfolio is full of donations to all sorts of charities, he probably donates more money in one year than I will ever in my lifetime.
Yes you can if the money is spent right.You can't save the world with money. Period. Even Bill Gates, donating BILLIONS a year makes such a tiny impact. The only thing that will keep people alive and proposering is science and invention.
Thats because we impose our lives into thier worlds and expect them to live like us.Half the time these folks simply see "help" from visitors as "interference" and "American's with their fancy cars and big ideas". Frankly - they don't WANT to be bothered.