Diver Training Rip-off - Divers Beware!

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FYI, here is a copy of an email regarding the displeasure of doing business with A.K.A. Divers (Bob Biggs, Cecil Stewart):

Sports Instruction

A.K.A. DIVERS, Arlington,Texas, Scuba Diving Classes, TDI, Technical Diving International, NAUI, PADI, Bob Biggs (trainer), Paid Money, Took Class, No Certification Cards Received, No Calls Returned, No Emails Responded To.

A.K.A. Divers (Bob Biggs)
2150 N Collins St
Arlington Texas 76011

My friend and I signed up for a "special offer" nitrox training course with A.K.A. Divers, Arlington, Texas (Bob Biggs, trainer). We paid the fees in good faith. We arranged for a baby-sitter and also arranged to leave work early to arrive on time and prepared for these classes. The training was in November of 2000 and we were told by Mr. Bob Biggs of A.K.A. Divers to expect to receive our certification cards in the mail within the normal processing time. This, to me, would mean about 6 weeks. It is now March 2, 2001, almost 4 months later and we have never received the certification cards. After many phone calls to A.K.A. Divers (spoke with Cecil Stewart) and several emails to Bob Biggs I have had no response whatsoever to what happened to our certification cards or what we might do to receive them. Cecil indicated that he was sorry but, he just doesn't know anything. He said he has given Bob Biggs my messages and cannot explain why Bob Biggs is not bothering to call me back with any information. Apparently, Mr. Biggs thinks he is "too big" to bother responding to customers! This no way to run a business! A simple response to a customer shouldn't be so impossible for a businessman to accomplish. The training classes were in conjunction with TDI, Technical Diving International. Mr. Biggs is associated with the following agencies:TDI/SDI # 1228, PADI # 4671, NAUI # 9929. Cecil Stewart (the man who claims he knows nothing) is associated with NAUI # 25825 and SDI # 2818. I chose this special offer class as a way of checking out A.K.A. Divers for possible future training. I guess I learned what I needed to know. This place is a rip-off and Bob Biggs is inconsiderate, unhelpful and just plain ambivalent about the business of diver training. Diver's beware!
Texas Diver:

I think more people should voice there opinions about bad stores or trainers. I think you should lodge a complaint with each of the agency's main office. I couldn't tell you how it will come out but if the complaint's are not lodged there, I'm sure little with come of it. A bit more background on the situation would help us here give you some better detailed advice.

Good Luck

Hi Texasdiver,

First of all, welcome to ScubaBoard.

I think zman is on the right track with this one. By reporting this to the agency, at least you will be making them aware of your specific problem with this company and in particular, this instructor.

I know a person who ran into a similar problem with a PADI shop. The person took the DiveMaster course, did all the coursework, paperwork, waterwork, etc. He successfully completed the class and waited to receive his card. He waited and waited and waited.

Then he talked to the shop owner/course director and was told that the instructor no longer worked for the shop and he would not be signing off the certification. He wanted my friend to spend the time and money a 2nd time to retake the whole course with another instructor.

My friend had copies of all the paperwork, signed off logs, receipts, etc. He willingly produced all the documentation to the store owner and was again told the same thing. This went on at least once a week for several months. Then he decided to contact PADI directly, including all of the supporting documentation with the complaint.

He didn't get an immediate response, but he kept the pressure on both the shop owner and PADI and eventually, three years later, received his DiveMaster C-card. After a while, the decision not to let up on either the owner or PADI as a matter of principle. In the long run, he got what he deserved and had worked so hard for.

So, the moral of the story is, don't give up yet. Be persistant with the instructor, document everything and take it to the next level by going to the agency. You never know, you might actually end up with your c-card.

As zman also pointed out, so that this is not just a one-way street, some more details beyond just an accusation would be appropriate.


Whenever I see a letter like this I realize even more the power of the Internet.

Although so many people will read this post without replying to it, your words can make or break any business, but also a good reason to provide further details on the events leading upto this.

I do tons of business on the Internet. I have been very lucky. So far the "buzz" about me and my business has all been positive.

But believe me I fear the day that anyone of us messes up in anyway.
I know tons of people will read it and I pray I have a way of explaining whatever could have happened.

I think it's only fair that you send this letter to them, and tell them you posted it on a scuba dive site. Tell them thousands of people will read it. Which over a short time will be true.

I would like to see if maybe just a small thing like one person went out of town thinking another person mailed off your stuff while they were gone, could have occurred.

Just my 2cents. Or maybe that was 3.


Hmmm.... in walks "Texasdiver" today with a tale of woe that lacks
1)any profile at all on Texasdiver
2)any indication that TDI or NAUI or PADI or the better business bureau or anyone else in the normal complaint chain has been notified

Who are ye, Texasdiver? Where are ye? I will be more than happy to forward your complaint on your behalf to TDI, PADI and NAUI for resolution.. but until I hear from the agencies, we have to keep Biggs & co. "innocent until proven guilty".
In some shops, the Instructor is in total charge of all student records. The dive shop just facilitates his/her teaching by providing rental gear, signing up students, and pays the Instructor $XX for each student.

It's possible the owner does have no idea what's going on in regards to your certification. If you have the Instructors cert number, contact TDI and report this to them. Provide them with dates, names, and any records you have. Any agency strives to satisfy their customers and will be willing to work with you on any legitimate problems.


Texasdiver, 1st of all welcome to the board. 2nd, we can't be too careful about wild claims against any person or company, so more details would be nice. 3rd, have you contacted the training agency yet? If not TDI's contact info is as follows:


The agencies are usually quick to respond. Please let me know if I can help.

Mario S Caner
PADI / TDI / SDI Inst.


You could also contact Brian Carney at TDI HQ with the following email: brianc@tdisdi.com


Have any of you noticed that they joined the board today, dropped one bomb and hasn't been back?

As I said before, without more information, I am not willing to assume A.K.A. has done anything wrong.. it's sorta one of the basic principles of American justice - or at least it used to be.


Thank all of you for your comments positive as well as negative. I did copy my emails to A.K.A. Divers to all of the training agencies the instructors are associated with and I will keep contacting the agencies until there is a resolution.

The owner, to my knowledge is well aware of the problems as far as what I have been told by his store manager and the manager can not explain why the owner has not contacted me back after months of numerous phone calls and emails.

Btw, now today, the store manager, Cecil Stewart, has informed me today will be his last day at A.K.A. Divers and that he has tried his personal best to have Bob Biggs contact me to resolve my problem.

But then he went on to further state he does not want to be associated with this problem or A.K.A. Divers in any way. He then stated he has only been a "hapless bystander" in this problem. I then wished him good luck in his future endeavors.

Thanks to those of you who have passed on specific contacts for the resolution of this problem, I really appreciate the information and it quickly seems to have made a real difference.

And to Rick Murchison, your name is very familiar, might you be a buddy or acquaintance of Mr.Biggs? Oh well, no matter.
By the way, I only found this board yesterday and have not figured out exactly how it all works, I'm still very new to the internet. It took me awhile just to post my first message and even longer to post this one.

But thanks to the rest of you all that made me feel welcome and may I assure everyone I am a decent person with a legitimate complaint. I have tried time and time again to resolve this problem but, it's hard to resolve a problem with someone who will not return calls or emails.

Sorry if this disappoints anyone who is familiar with A.K.A. Divers and has not experienced a problem with them. But I did!

Thanks again.


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