At the risk of me coming off like the parent scolding the child . . .
It must have been a personal health problem like maybe a heart attack?
"Must have been"???? Based on what evidence?? Wild guesses do not equate to thoughtful accident analysis nor do they really contribute to our collective understasnding of what happened here.
Even if you do manage your students that poorly . . .
First of all, they weren't students. They're certified divers. Secondly, where's the evidence that there was bad management underwater. Separation in and of itself is not indicative of that. Are you saying you're NEVER lost your buddy? Are you suggesting that ANY time someone loses a buddy, it's only the fault of one diver? Again, you're not only assuming facts not in evidence, but may be unfairly castigating those involved in this, as if the incident itself wasn't traumatizing enough.
. . . you should have the common sense to have the group turn around and look for the guy.
That's not common sense, that's a recipe for a second fatality. I recently testified in a lawsuit where that was one of the issues. To have non-professional-level people searching in less-than-optimal conditions for a missing diver (and who's to say your searchers have any rescue experience) is inviting trouble should one of your rescuers get into trouble. First rule of rescue: Don't make yourself a victim.
And also, 25 feet is shallow, very possible to do a CESA even if he did run out of air.
That's definitely a valid question that derserves more inspection.
- Ken
---------- Post added April 17th, 2013 at 11:18 AM ----------
I only mean we should second guess everyone, including instructors in order to learn from others mistakes.
I hope you meant to say we should
NOT second-guess everyone. This is what the lawyers do in these types of lawsuits. The accusation is that if only you had done something you hadn't done, the person who is dead would be alive so it's obviously your fault. Bull. You can't say that something not done would have changed the outcome since you can't prove a negative.
Something went horribly wrong...
Not necessarily. Many times when looking at these things, what seem like routine decisions are simply bad choices and at some point they pile up and spiral out of control. When you say "something went horribly wrong" it makes it sound like something catastrophic and unavoidable happened and that's generally not the case. Two studies (one mine, one by DAN) indiciate that 69% of the time dive accidents can be traced back to diver error (my study) and in 47% of the cases, out-of-air is the trigger (DAN's study). Both definitely avoidable although they can obviously have catastrophic results.
Even speculation can have a positive outcome from this perspective if it makes people think.
Speculate all your want in a general discussion of accidents but in analayzing a specific accident, stick to what is known or can be reasonably inferred from what is known. For instance, the heart attack comment in #41 is IMHO totally out-of-line as it has no basis in anything that's been said. It would be like suggesting he committed suicide because he had terminal cancer when there's absolutely nothing to indicate that that's a valid claim.
- Ken