Diver Death

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It doesn't say where he was diving but one reason to take off a BC is to fit through a tight space.

Incidentally, there's a special forum for diving accidents.
The most common reason for removing a BC is before boarding a small boat, and I have seen divers do so without removing the weight belt as mentioned in the article, altho I have no seen one sink yet...
Diving instructors Arab News spoke to said that Al-Ghamdi most likely removed his BCD, forgetting that his weight belt was still on, and when he did so, he quickly sank; this is a simple yet fatal mistake. Having “learned” to scuba dive seven months ago, Al-Ghamdi already had several dives under his belt and among his friends and family, he was considered to be somewhat experienced.
I have read of divers doing that, losing grip on the ladder, and quickly sinking - presumably too panicked to ditch the weights. That's one guess anyway.

This other part of the article suggests other problems...
My son’s death certificate (of which Arab News has a copy) stated that the cause of death was unknown and that an autopsy was required because there was a great deal of blood coming from his ears and nose, which the Coast Guard told me is not typical in a drowning.
But the autopsy was canceled, so all we can do is speculate.
When diving in Ensenada we used very small boats. While in the water near the boat you removed your weights, then your rig on the surface (in that order of course) and handed them up to the boat. Only then did you climb up.
Good point radinator. We do exactly the same thing diving from the Zodiac in San Diego.
That's why I like SB! Always learning something new. I've never dove off a small (zodiac) sized boat before (I even hear people do it from kayaks) - so would have no idea that removing a BC was ever done.

Good to know.

Halthron - sorry, didn't realize there was an diver accident forum -

When diving in Ensenada we used very small boats. While in the water near the boat you removed your weights, then your rig on the surface (in that order of course) and handed them up to the boat. Only then did you climb up.

Good point radinator. We do exactly the same thing diving from the Zodiac in San Diego.
Yes - exactly, but I have seen it done backwards, without losing grip of ladder, and read about deaths of divers who did it backwards, lost grip, and sank as descried in article.

So many of us use integrated weight BCs that this may not be obvious to some, but - all too often new, vacation and/or lobster season only divers use weight belts, rental BCs, etc. that this can happen, and too often does. The dive is over in the divers head, he is told to remove his gear in the water, he removes BC first without thinking, loses grip of the ladder, sinks, panics, dies. I am sorry if I am overstated this, but if it can safe one live...??

That's why I like SB! Always learning something new. I've never dove off a small (zodiac) sized boat before (I even hear people do it from kayaks) - so would have no idea that removing a BC was ever done.

Good to know.

Halthron - sorry, didn't realize there was an diver accident forum -

No problem. It got moved to the right forum. That's why we have well paid Mods patrolling. :D
Come to think of it, if you had removed your fins and your BC prior to getting into said small boat -

If you had lost grip of the ladder and "forgot" to remove your weight belt, you'd be pretty SOL. Right to the bottom.

We all know that kicking with your dive boots on isn't going to do anything for ya...

Starting to make sense now..

Come to think of it, if you had removed your fins and your BC prior to getting into said small boat -

If you had lost grip of the ladder and "forgot" to remove your weight belt, you'd be pretty SOL. Right to the bottom.

We all know that kicking with your dive boots on isn't going to do anything for ya...

Starting to make sense now..

Yep, when you go to Cozumel or anyplace else with small boats, you'll see close calls - too often with a boat mate who doesn't speak English trying to remind them "weights first," maybe even such an accident. You may have a chance to help prevent such.
If you had lost grip of the ladder and "forgot" to remove your weight belt, you'd be pretty SOL. Right to the bottom.


Like in so many other situations, panic is the killer. If you keep your head, you can drop the weight belt on the way down and stop the elevator.

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