How do you know his training didn't emphasize this at every turn? People can be told something a hundred times, repeat it back to the authority figure, and still not follow the advise. I know, I was a teenage boy once!

I still know adults like that.
I have NO idea what his training was like and neither do you. The (2nd hand) comment about "doing it to say he did it" may very well indicate disregarding of this training, had it been administered. I don't know.
I will say that when you've spent a chunk of change to be somewhere, calling a dive is a "difficult" thing to do, but a vital skill. I just called my first one a few weeks ago. Called two of them, actually. Flushed anywhere between $80 and a few hundred bucks down the drain depending on how you count. Glad I did, but not something everyone will do
regardless of their training.