Exactly. "Dive and Let Dive" is a silly statement, even though well-intended. It implies we are each little islands, unconnected, with no mutual consequences of our actions. Wrong. If a guy dies on a dive boat that trip is over, which affects me. If a few words could have prevented that death, it is my self-interest (not to mention the interest of the recipient of those words) to speak them. So the issue is when to say something and when to shut up; the answer is not to always shut up. If a diver is about ready to jump and he doesn't have fins on, it is likely not a safety issue but rather an embarrassment issue. But if the diver does not have a connected LPI hose, it is worth mentioning. Judgement calls. You never need to be an a** about it, just a gentle word or two.But if I do see someone about to launch into the deep with something obviously wrong (releases unfastened, bc not inflated, hose tangled/kinked, etc) I’m going to say something. I don’t care if they’re pissed off about it.