yes the equipment exchange is required,
I have to add that the primary goal of the equipment exchange is problem solving and the candidate must demonstrate the ability to solve unanticipated problems underwater by exchanging all scuba equipment (except exposure suits and weights) with a buddy breathing.
the candidate must improve his/her diver rescue assessment and development.
the grading criteria for the 15 minute water tread is:
performed satisfactorily 5 points
stayed afloat, but hands not out of water entire 2 min 3 points
used side/bottom for momentary support no more than twice 1 point.
I have to add that the primary goal of the equipment exchange is problem solving and the candidate must demonstrate the ability to solve unanticipated problems underwater by exchanging all scuba equipment (except exposure suits and weights) with a buddy breathing.
the candidate must improve his/her diver rescue assessment and development.
the grading criteria for the 15 minute water tread is:
performed satisfactorily 5 points
stayed afloat, but hands not out of water entire 2 min 3 points
used side/bottom for momentary support no more than twice 1 point.