I have been diving with both Dive with Martin and Aldora, and while I think both are great, they really are different kinds of operations, and which is best for you depends entirely on your needs and preferences. I love Aldora for the steel 120 tanks, the very long bottom times, the long SI at the beach club, and the first-class valet service. BUT if you are the kind of diver that gets cold after 45 minutes or so (very likely if you are not wearing a wetsuit of some sort), that last 45 minutes of a 90 minute dive, with your lips turning blue and shivering so bad that you have trouble biting on your mouthpiece, might be pure hell. Do you need a wetsuit to dive Cozumel in June? Depends. No, not for one or two 45 minute dives a day for no more than one or two days in a row, unless you are particularly sensitive to cold (some people are). But heat loss is cumulative, and if you are doing two 90 minute dives every day for a week, you are going to be cold without a wetsuit. If you really only want to dive on two or three days out of the week, you don't want to bring a wetsuit, need rental equipment, and won't really benefit from 90-minute dives, go with DWM. And if you are worried about air consumption, pay the extra charge for AL 100 tanks; maybe just having the extra air will help you relax, and being relaxed is the biggest key to improving your air consumption.