dive planning @ 300' cont.from D&T

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Anyone wanna run it in V-planner and see if it works, and post it?

Okay since the poor guy who asked a question about depth and time got his thread highjacked, heres the place to continue...

So I pose this question to the masses..

Your at sealevel, your dive plan is 300' for 10 min. Your back gas consists of two 80's with 12/58, you have one 80 with NX32, and another with NX80 all tanks are AL 80's topped off to 3000psi. Your diving with 5 buddies off a boat that has O2 that hang @ 20' you have a slate and lift bags. Your SAC is .4. Are you gonna do the dive?

Is it doable? Yeah. Would I do it? Still no.

Surface interval = 1 day 0 hr 0 min.
Elevation = 0ft
Conservatism = + 2

Level 300ft 4:20 (10) Trimix 12/58 1.21 ppO2, 93ft ead, 107ft end
Stop at 120ft 1:00 (20) Nitrox 32 1.48 ppO2, 99ft ead
Stop at 30ft 4:00 (37) Nitrox 80 1.53 ppO2, 0ft ead
Stop at 10ft 9:00 (52) Oxygen 1.30 ppO2, 0ft ead
Surface (52) Oxygen -30ft/min ascent.

Off gassing starts at 212.8ft

OTU's this dive: 60
CNS Total: 31.9%

54.6 cu ft Trimix 12/58
16.9 cu ft Nitrox 32
3.0 cu ft Nitrox 80
8.5 cu ft Oxygen
83.1 cu ft TOTAL

Deco plan abbreviated to include only gas switch info.
Yeah but will it work on a cont. plan of 310' for 15min?

My first question is, if you have an event that causes you to run 5 minutes over and 10' deeper, what just happened to your .4 SAC rate?
V-Planner 3.84 by R. Hemingway, VPM code by Erik C. Baker.

Decompression model: VPM - B

Surface interval = 1 day 0 hr 0 min.
Elevation = 0m
Conservatism = + 3

Dec to 60m (4) Trimix 12/58 15m/min descent.
^^^ Low pp ^^^ Low pp ^^^
Dec to 100m (6) Trimix 12/58 18m/min descent.
Level 100m 4:47 (11) Trimix 12/58 1.28 ppO2, 32m ead, 36m end
Asc to 63m (15) Trimix 12/58 -9m/min ascent.
Stop at 63m 0:53 (16) Trimix 12/58 0.85 ppO2, 18m ead, 20m end
Stop at 60m 1:00 (17) Trimix 12/58 0.82 ppO2, 16m ead, 19m end
Stop at 57m 1:00 (18) Trimix 12/58 0.78 ppO2, 15m ead, 18m end
Stop at 54m 1:00 (19) Trimix 12/58 0.75 ppO2, 14m ead, 17m end
Stop at 51m 1:00 (20) Trimix 12/58 0.71 ppO2, 13m ead, 15m end
Stop at 48m 1:00 (21) Trimix 12/58 0.68 ppO2, 12m ead, 14m end
Stop at 45m 1:00 (22) Trimix 12/58 0.64 ppO2, 11m ead, 13m end
Stop at 42m 1:00 (23) Trimix 12/58 0.61 ppO2, 10m ead, 12m end
Stop at 39m 1:00 (24) Trimix 12/58 0.57 ppO2, 8m ead, 10m end
Stop at 36m 1:00 (25) Nitrox 32 1.43 ppO2, 30m ead
^^^ IBCD ppN2 alert ^^^ IBCD ppN2 alert ^^^
Stop at 33m 1:00 (26) Nitrox 32 1.34 ppO2, 27m ead
Stop at 30m 1:00 (27) Nitrox 32 1.25 ppO2, 24m ead
Stop at 27m 1:00 (28) Nitrox 32 1.16 ppO2, 22m ead
Stop at 24m 2:00 (30) Nitrox 32 1.06 ppO2, 19m ead
Stop at 21m 2:00 (32) Nitrox 32 0.97 ppO2, 17m ead
Stop at 18m 3:00 (35) Nitrox 32 0.88 ppO2, 14m ead
Stop at 15m 3:00 (38) Nitrox 32 0.78 ppO2, 11m ead
Stop at 12m 6:00 (44) Nitrox 32 0.69 ppO2, 9m ead
Stop at 9m 5:00 (49) Nitrox 80 1.50 ppO2, 0m ead
Stop at 6m 20:00 (69) Oxygen 1.58 ppO2, 0m ead
Surface (69) Oxygen -9m/min ascent.

Off gassing starts at 72.1m

OTU's this dive: 84
CNS Total: 46.6%

3275.0 ltr Trimix 12/58
855.0 ltr Nitrox 32
139.6 ltr Nitrox 80
479.1 ltr Oxygen
4748.7 ltr TOTAL


115.8 cu ft Trimix 12/58
30.2 cu ft Nitrox 32
4.9 cu ft Nitrox 80
16.9 cu ft Oxygen
167.8 cu ft TOTAL
Why not just use 40% and 100% for deco? That is the same runtime as 32% 80% and 100% - a hell of a lot less to carry too?

The problem I see is lost deco gas scenario... There's not enough back gas to deco out on the back gas alone.
My first question is, if you have an event that causes you to run 5 minutes over and 10' deeper, what just happened to your .4 SAC rate?

Nothing....maybe you just busted the floor

62 CF BG
17 CF 32%
15 CF 80%

DecoPlanner with 20/80 GF...36 min of deco starting at 160 ft. Plenty of extra gas. Since you don't mention AL, I assume you have a buddy - so no issues I see.

Rather extrordinary SAC though - .4 - not many honest people would use that...mine is .6 to .65 - and it usually even works out that way...lol.

And I would still do the dive. You would be under thirds on BG and have over 2.5X reserve on deco gas - what is not to like?

Maybe I misread something and the stated SAC was not .4?

...Edited - Huh?, I just re-read the OP, 5 divers - okay, now there is a reason not to do the dive...go 3 and 2 and no issues. Gas is not the problem.
care to explain?

I think rjack321 articulated it better than I could below.

Doubles 80s for a 300ft dive. And your first deco gas is 32%. And then 80%. Blech. Something like V-planner would allow you about 7mins on the bottom. More blech.

Blech blech. About the only thing reasonable about this dive is the 12/58, although I'm not sure where such a precise number like 58% He came from.

So in summary, blech :D To be honest is wasn't as bad as I initially thought. I internalized the original post using my SAC rate, rather the SAC rate of a small woman.:dontknow:

I wouldn't use 32% for deco, and definitely not 80%. I wouldn't have my first gas switch at 130'. And I'm sure wouldn't go to trouble of the filling, the charter and the deco, for a 10 minute bottom time. Oh yeah...and I'm not trained to 300'.

62 CF BG
17 CF 32%
15 CF 80%

DecoPlanner with 20/80 GF...36 min of deco starting at 160 ft. Plenty of extra gas. Since you don't mention AL, I assume you have a buddy - so no issues I see.

Rather extrordinary SAC though - .4 - not many honest people would use that...mine is .6 to .65 - and it usually even works out that way...lol.

And I would still do the dive. You would be under thirds on BG and have over 2.5X reserve on deco gas - what is not to like?

Maybe I misread something and the stated SAC was not .4?

...Edited - O hell, I just re-read the OP, 5 divers - okay there is a reason not to do the dive...go 3 and 2 and no issues. Gas is not the ssue.

Can you recalculate the dive with loss of all deco gas and no buddy? I am curious to see what DecoPlanner gives to run the entire dive on BG on your own.

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