When you have 'kids' over 50 how many others here could not stop laughing when this subject came up " Active Divers over the age of 50"?8.1% >70
I have never been refused a dive on a dive boat or at a dive resort in Australia, I am diving in Bali in a few weeks, it has been a long time since I have been to Indo, let us see how that works out, the last place I dived overseas the operator only wanted to see "the colour of my money" and a C card, I will not drop the places name, as I am going back.
Also, at this resort there was me over 70 and a couple in their late 60s, the 3 of us from Australia ,we were in better shape and not overweight like some of the much younger divers from countries I will not mention here.
I see plenty of unfit, fat young slobs on the local dive boats here also, so many fat young people