Dive masks with purge valves

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It's nonsense to criticise purge valves for diving masks. They actually create a superior, more easily used dive mask. I'm not quite sure why they went out of fashion. Perhaps it merely was fashion, perhaps it was imposed by common design practice when low volume masks were first produced and mask manufacturers found it easy to dispose of an added manufacturing cost in the purge at that time, and divers went along with it, liking the low volume design and putting up with their downsides. My diving goes back 45 years, 2500+ dives. My masks were initially purge (a Voit was my first mask). I've had a few more low volume purge valve ones over the years, but they have been hard to find. I NEVER had a problem with a purge valve failure. If I ever would have had one it would have been totally no-big-deal. And of course I have had non purge valve designs over the years. Their perfectly ok, but inferior. For those who criticise purge units as having an extra failure point, I would point out that non-purge valve clearing involves greater task loading and tilt clearing is most often a total (if only short) distraction from monitoring the environment and your equipment. Other things go wrong with masks, the most common one in my experience mask strap failure from slippage (most often caused by poor adjustment design) . Nobody moans over this, though the effect and resolution at depth is much more difficult to deal with than a purge problem. It is discouraging to hear divers who "never tried it" to parrot warnings about purge valve masks. I'd say, if you haven't tried it, don't knock it.
I have always dived a purge valve mask. Initially it was due to comfort, and really struggling to clear a mask. I have learned to easily clear a mask, and can dive either. It is a personal preference for me. The only failure I have had on a mask ( and I dive with corrective lenses in my mask) has been a lens frame crack from it getting crushed in my luggage on a flight. I didn't have an annoying leak, I had a nonstop flood in my mask which necessitated buying a brand new mask. It really boils down to personal preference and especially for new divers, some do much better with a purge than a non purge mask. If using a purge mask allows someone to dive in recreational situations, I will definitely recommend that to students. As they get more experience they will then move to what works for them and what they are comfortable with. We have all bought things we didn't need or didn't work for us and then have moved on. I am a big fan of purge valves if and this is a big if...they work for that particular diver. If not,,,they are a failure point that aren't needed as has been pointed out.
There are some great reasons to dive purge masks; mostly if you use split fins, dive spare air, or have one of these...

I have several problems with beginners using purge valve masks, at least, problems that I encountered when I used one:
1. Picked up the habit of always exhaling through the nose, which to this day has caused me to have problems with regular masks leaking, I have to think about not exhaling through my nose for awhile, if I am stressed, the habit comes back
2. I started inhaling through my nose for some reason, which caused me great difficulty with no-mask skills,this habit was very hard to breka
3. My mask clearing skills were non-existent after using the purge valve for awhile, of course, because I didn't need to clear a mask, this caused me some stress when I went back to a regular mask, especially because I've always had trouble with mask fitting properly and leaking
Finally- I had an unusual event occur on a 70 foot wreck dive. The valve of my mask fell completely out(in) and I had a total flood. Without a valve, its basically like having no-mask. Because I had developed these bad mask habits and really hadn't practiced mask skills since OW class, this was particularly stressful. I've also never been able to see underwater without a mask, either in salt,fresh or pool water. My buddy led me up the anchor line but I have to say that was an extremely stressful dive and could have ended badly.
I have no issue with experienced divers using any mask they want but I think new divers really need to develop strong mask skills with a traditional mask. Also, obviously, a purge valve is a point of failure.
I now dive with a low volume mask and I practice clearing, mask remove/replace every dive. It's a skill that used to cause me great stress so I feel its something that could be a slight stressor if the shtf.
The only problem with a purge mask is that it is a solution looking for a problem. I don't care if you use one, but it offers no advantage over non-purge options.
The only problem with a purge mask is that it is a solution looking for a problem. I don't care if you use one, but it offers no advantage over non-purge options.

The only problem with a non-purge mask is that it is a solution looking for a problem. If your success or failure depends on the presence or non presence of a purge valve you are equipment dependent. Simple skills acquisition will resolve that.

Honestly, it's just a thingy to keep the water out of your eyes. The Japanese used to use polished turtle shells.
The only problem with a purge mask is that it is a solution looking for a problem
The only problem with a non-purge mask is that it is a solution looking for a problem
Well I'm glad we got that sorted out
Are there purge masks with corrective lenses? MY wife uses a purge and loves it only has a problem with her vision?
Yes, check Ebay

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