Dive Computers

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I would like to purchase a dive computer, but am confused with all the features and price ranges. I would appreciate if someone could let me know which ones have proven to work well and are easy to use.

Dive computers are somewhat of a personal choice. The best advice I can give is to form somewhat of an idea of what you want/need your computer to do based on your diving style and go to your local dive shops and see what they have to offer that meets your needs.. here is a link to a dive computer review done by Scuba Diving Mag that might help
I personally use a Oceanic Data 100, it is small, does every thing I need it to do , is easy to read at a quick glance, the batteries are a common type which I can change myself and as dive computers go, it was inexpensive.


Much of the "Features" become a matter of personal prefs. Also, you need to decide what you want in a computer and what kind of diving you do can make a difference.

Do you want a Full console computer or just a modular or "pop in" computer. First you need to figure what you want it to do for you and then find the computer that has the features you want. Dont be too worried about getting a computer just because it speaks, fetches the sunday newspaper does your horiscope, but rather does the job YOU want it to do.

All too often I see people get a dive computer because "it sounded cool" or it has more bells and whistles than the cockpit of a F-14 Jet. Sadly enough the "cool" wears off and you are left with something that will be outdone in the next model.

I mention this because you will all too often find some sales people that will try to convince you that you need all these fancy gizmos when all they really need is a sale. One of the best ways to get to know what you may like is ask other divers while you are diving to tell you or show you how theirs works and ask if they like it or if they would change anything about it if they could.


First I'm happy to hear that you're going to get a dive computer. It'll make you diving a lot easier and safer. My opinion on first computer is, get one that is simple to operate. I dive for many years and still love those simple ones for most of my dives. My favorite computer from the few that I have is a Genesis, just press on button and go. It's easy to read and easy to maintain. I think it's best not to spend a fortune on your first one, until you know in which direction you'll be taking your diving to. But until then have a good, reliable, easy to use one. There are many dive computer out there, just head to few dive shops, get some explanations on them from the people at the store and choose one. Then shop around for the best price on line or at any dive shop.

I dive with a Mares Tutor and my hubby dives with a Mares Gaurdian. There is several differences between those two -
1. A couple of hundred $
2. The Gaurdian has back lighting - great for night dives.
3. The Tutor is simple history where the Gaurdian is minute by minute.
4. Both have audible alarms (going up too fast!)
5. Both have a bar giving you rate of asent.
6. Both have safty stops (15' + time).

Something to think about is air intgrated vs wrist mount.
I have seen alot of divers who think that because they have a air computer they don't need thier consoles (analog). Why would someone dive without a redundant (back up) system?

I've been in the same position you are currently in, you might check out Cochran's website, divecochran.com he will compare any of his computers with any on the market, tell you what they will and won't do also before buying a computer decide if you want air intergrated or just a "depth gauge computer" which is all they basically are unless you get one that is air integrated, either with a hose or hoseless. Personally I use a Cochran Gemini Plus, which can be used with nitrox if I so desire, it also figures my breating parameter which is really hepful especially if you are a new diver, the software that is optional will really let you diagnose your diving in no way any other computer can. You won't see them in Rodales, because Rodales wants you to give them a computer. Tech support is great, just a phone call away and you don't get one of those damned automated answering systems. You get a real person. Software updates are free. Check it out.

Don Just-A-Diver :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
i have an Oceanic Prodigy that i got on sale back in '95. I wish i had paid a little more and got one that was nitrox capable or that didn't go into permanent violation mode past 160'. At the time, nitrox wasn't really that widespread though but now, one of the things that is deterring me from nitrox cert is the cost of getting a new computer. That is one thing to think about: where will you be with respect to diving two years and 100 dives from now?
I have to go with Pinny on this one. The Genesis computers are nearly bullet-proof and remarkably simple!
I was recently in your position. I went around the shops and web sites and got the opinions just as you are doing now. To give you my opinion I went for the Aladdin sport. This computer was cheap, easy to use, shows all of the information which I need during a dive and I can what I do not need after the dive, the battery does not need changing (they apparently have a life span of around ten years). Some of the features which I considered were do I want to do Nitrox diving and do I want it air integrated ? I decided that I did not in the near future and this saved me around £150. This is just my opinion but I hope it helps.
as i said in another post I dive an aeris 750gt and the only thing that i would change about it is the fact that it is wrist mounted. If I were to buy to day I'd get the 500ai same computer only on a hose. Enough of the aeris plug.

you need one that fit your diving needs. both present and future (i.e. nitrox) Yeah you may not dive EANx now but what about five years from now. you can use a nitrox comp for air diving. Night diving? Well thenn you might want a backlit comp. Of course everyone wants user replacable batteries.

I think the best way to shop for a computer or any piece of gear for that matter. Is to ask the person using it every time you see the piece being used.

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