Dive Computer Bugs

Do you dive with a back up Computer

  • Yes I dive with a backup computer

    Votes: 15 32.6%
  • I dive with Tables as my backup

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • I use my buddy as a back up

    Votes: 9 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 4 8.7%

  • Total voters

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Uncle Pug once bubbled...

... eliminate dependance upon a DC altogether and learn how to use a bottom timer and depth gauge combined with tables.

With that attitude - why don't you hold a rock and breath-hold your dive so that you don't have to rely on your requlator and tanks.

Yes use tables to confirm your computer
Yes use a back up computer to comfirm your primary D/C and table it if you want
Yes we have a brain and we had better start using it more or we will lose it

But this is the 21st century, D/C are a tool to be used to make diving safer ... (and this will get some of the grandfathers of this forum going) and I believe that D/C makes diving safer 4 new divers - it is far easier to make mistakes working out a dive on tables than with a computer !!!!!

1. D/C monitor ascent rates - a major cause of DCS ... New divers have problems with ascent rates
2. D/C monitor N2 build up - multilevel. Tables are not that good at that and the wheel can be very difficult 4 new diver to master - esp if they are a couple of times a year diver
3. D/C monitor your depth and time and update your NDLs based on that data ... so if you go outside your plan, you have upto date info to assest you.

This does not negate the use of your brain in diving but provides better information to use when diving.

And also remember (this is for us senior divers who live and breath the sport) ... not everyone is like us. Some people cant use the tables well, want a DM to dive them through an underwater site and just enjoy diving.

Just a quick Bio about myself B4 people jump on their high horse (we have cars now) and start to micro-pick this post apart. I have been diving for about 10 years I started my diving in the military and tables were drumbed into my head - we had to know the basic mil dive profiles by heart. My diving is mainly cold water (although I spent many months diving the tropics as well), deep diving with nitrox as my middle NDL gas. I am a rabid conservationist and a very strong supporter of the 10% of the coastline marine reserve philosophy; and B4 you hunters jump the gun - no I do not eat fish and my dad was a commercial fisherman. This subject is very big in NZ with some very good discussions in the New Zealand Dive Magazine.

I run my own medical training and equipment company specialising in the marine environment. I am a Registered Nurse and a DMT for diving. I dive about 300 times a year - some solo, some on mixed gas, and I enjoy introducing new divers to the sport, there is a great satisfaction in taking someone down to a site that you have dived hundreds of times B4 and have them discover it 4 the 1st time, you get the excitment from them - it's just great.

A good Dive Computer is one of the first things that I advise new divers to buy, if they are going to get into the sport, for the above reasons and also it is easy to transport around - if U are travelling and it can log your dives.

Lastly this forum is fantastic for people to exchange information and experence (I wish I hade discovered it earler), but I don't think it is very useful posting crap replies to build up your numbers to get more stars.
SCUBAMedic once bubbled...
to build up your numbers to get more stars.
Kinda hard to follow you all over the place there but I think I got the gist of it.

btw since you quoted one of my posts I can only assume that your last line about crap posts was referring to mine... how interesting... not very observant though...
I would never post just to build up my numbers!
Uncle Pug once bubbled...

btw since you quoted one of my posts I can only assume that your last line about crap posts was referring to mine...
Yes and No - Some times I find your posts completely irritating (which prob. means that they are very worth while observations) I think U and I would get on very well diving together but fight like hell on the surface :)

But that last statement of mine was a general comment to everyone myself included that their are alot of people out there looking for informed answers to questions ... not lecturers on DIR, GUE or finger wagging about one set up or one diving practice of another... Quality versus quantity is the short answer.

Do you live on this board ???? :)
SCUBAMedic once bubbled...
Do you live on this board ???? :)
Yes... but sometimes out in the woodshed.

I throw out little hints and if there is someone interested then at times we will take it up in the backroom... not everything that I have to share is for open dissemination. At other times we will discuss stuff right out here on the living room floor so other folks have an opportunity to pick it apart... I will PM you.
A QA Manager from a major electronics manufacturer once told me that the best time to buy a product was immediatly after a recall.
Usual QA sampling is for example 1 in 50. After a bit of bad press and a recall, every department puts in extra effort, more random WIP samples are taken, and QA sampling steps up to 10 to 1 (for example).
So effectivly, you have a more tested, better built product after a recall. Sort of makes sense right?

I know that was way off the original post, but it kind of leads into it.......kind of.


BTW, Can kiwis use computers now??????:D

Can kiwis use computers now??????

I would think they need the magnetic switches...otherwise it's tough to change readings with a beak.


PS. Sorry...I am really in a MOOD tonight!
I disagree with using the local veg in the water and bubbles to monitor ascent rates when you have a very good ascent rate meter on the computer - but then again I am a very big fan of slow ascents 10m minute (Sunnto). I have divers who have not used computers B4 get a major shock when they use a D/C to ascend - generally their ascents have always been way faster. What I have found is divers using the computer to ascend, lose their global awareness of what is going on around them and it takes a conscious effort to look around, up and down whilst keeping an eye on the D/C ascent rate. Holding the D/C out infront at eye level helps alot.

No computer - then yes use what you have been taught

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