This is a wonderful post Pete!
As someone who has come here to learn more about diving I appreciate it. There are many ways to do things and for us newbies it can be daunting to be told X will kill you or that you aren't a real diver unless you use Y.
I have been able to get some amazing knowledge from here and met people who have helped me and are still helping me to this day.
As someone who is now beginning to dive sidemount, the posts on hose routing can be challenging to get through. I am very confused as to what to use and have decided to just start trying out different ways to route the houses, different lengths, etc until I find what works for me! (still might not post a picture here

People are passionate about their diving and the gear that they use to do it. That is a positive but can become a negative if that passion turns to blind fanaticism.
The passion other SB members have is why I stay here. Hopefully we can all work less on telling people what they NEED to dive and generate more level-headed discussions about why we dive the gear we do. The dive industry and gear will keep moving forward and it is up to us to keep an open mind instead of alienating those who don't look just like us underwater.
That is as long as they aren't damaging the ecosystem...if they are well then I will have to resort to this:
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