Dive accident in Monterey, 5/15

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Scuba diver dies after being stricken

An Elk Grove man, Tyler Dutton, died Sunday after being stricken while diving off Pacific Grove.

The Monterey County Coroner's Office said Dutton, 48, was an experienced scuba diver who experienced problems while ascending after a 32-minute dive in water 53 feet deep. From about 15 feet, he ascended ahead of his group and was thrashing in the water when the others surfaced, said coroner's investigator Thomas Jenkins.

Dutton, who had been diving with three friends from a private boat, was pronounced dead in the emergency room at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

An autopsy was performed Monday but results were not available."


Not a deep dive. Clearly within basic OW depth limits.

Sad, I know someone who was going there to dive last weekend.

Scuba diver dies after being stricken

Not a deep dive. Clearly within basic OW depth limits.

Sad, I know someone who was going there to dive last weekend.

What does it mean by "being stricken"? Heart attack? Boat? DCI? Embolism?
Sure seems to be a lot of incidents so early in the warm water season.
Warm water?
No such thing at Monterey. Ever.
hey we had 59F water last weekend for most of my dive, course the guys a bit south had 48, so i got lucky!!
Yeah, if you use it by itself it is supposed to mean one who has had a stroke. But if combined with other words (panic-stricken, grief-stricken) it just means overwhelmed. I think he was trying to say overwhelmed by unknown causes.

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