So... it sounds like it is possible to consider yourself, as an individual, "DIR", but that there may be times when you do a "non-DIR" dive. I'm thinking of the example of JJ and GI3 on a dive with Curt.
Does that sound about right?
I believe this to be true. Absolutely. It really depends on the person though. I, for the longest time, took a no compromise approach to my diving and stuck to my dive team of 3 only after having a few sketchy dives outside of this team and always having one or the other available.
On the other hand I know a lot of people that ask me to go diving. Not saying I am gods gift to diving...certainly not but just friends asking for casual dives or someone to be along to help them experience something new safely. Some of them good some of them really bad and some of them just new in general and wanting to dive with someone with at least a bit more experience.
At the end of the day I equally enjoy being mentored and mentoring. That is to say I love learning new skills and concepts from those better than me and I equally enjoy passing those skills and concepts on to willing divers who "ASK" for the help.
If I was a strict rule #1 anyone who has not done at least a fundamentals kind of DIR diver (which are extremely rare) I would never get the opportunity for the latter and that would truly be a shame to me.
It is great to see newer divers gain the the same hard won confidence, experience, and knowledge that we all lacked at one time or another and helping with that is something that goes along way towards keeping me stoked (note the lack of an r in there) about diving.
At one time I was a terrified new diver not knowing what to expect beneath the deep blue seas and someone pretty much held my hand and took me for a kickass ride below. Now I feel odd out of water and I crave the pressure of water surrounding me when I'm not in it. I am a hardcore addict.
Is 50% "DIR" better than none at all. I believe so. Opinions may and will vary.