I think one big disadvantage of DIR is that your spouse and loved ones will have to wait a loooong time to cash in on that fat life insurance policy. If I had a spouse I didn't like, I'd want her to take up "solo hook setting" as an occupation so I could count the millions, quit my job, and dive more often..Uncle Pug:"Why is this thread allowed to continue?" you may be asking yourself.
Or you may be wondering why you have gotten a blister on your finger pushing the report post button to no avail.
Well... it's like this... I figure children need to squabble every once in a while or they will explode.
Yes, the DIR forum is a no trolling zone. But this thread was destined for squabbling... and as long as it is confined here and serves the purpose of occupying those of you with nothing better to do.. then I figure it at least keeps you off the streets and out of the bars.
Besides... with a thread title like "Disadvantages of DIR ?" how could it have turned out other wise (even though I believe the original poster's intent was pure.)
We all know that there are no disadvantages of DIR.