flounderboy:I havnt taken any classes because they dont speak DIR in my area
I do dive with Dir divers and instructors ,,, and the food part seams to stick out the most
I have seen some pretty big and out of shape DIR divers
Now on the other side
I have dove with folks who will start talking bad about DIR without the subject even being brought up
(Mainly from PADI instructors)
I was even told by a Padi Instructor that my DIR-F book was the biggest joke he has ever read
I am not a borg diver
but my gear looks dir to most and I follow the points I believe to be sound
Just my two cents
feel free to flame ,,I can take it![]()
Dive safe
mark s
Mark - you're in Florida - home of some of the most active DIR instructors around. I would urge you to seek a class and make up your own mind.
Learning how to "dive DIR" based on the Internet is like learning how to drive after reading about it online. Sure, you can know what all the road signs mean, but it doesn't mean anything until you actually get behind the wheel with a genuine instructor beside you and start to make your way down the road.
The ones I see who are most avidly opposed to DIR like to think that a) they've been driving for 17 years anyway, so what have I got to learn. They haven't been in an accident yet (well, an accident that was THEIR fault, anyway) or B) choose to pretend the road doesn't exist.