Hey Centrals when did you do Tubbataha and which LOB? What and Why would you consider better that it wins hands down to Palau?
I have heard mixed reviews on TB. Remember my criteria is:
1) Visibility
2) Coral Diversity and Health (Little Bleaching)
3) Pelagic Diversity
4) Small Critter Diversity
Id probably also add - Chance encounter with unique or unusual marine life.
Sites without mass of divers. (Im sure this would apply more to TB?)
Im not interested in this being a Palau v PI thread. More a case of can I get to Palau cheaper and quicker or should I explore potential PI sites that may yield as good or beter diving?
Insert more experiences here thank you...
I have heard mixed reviews on TB. Remember my criteria is:
1) Visibility
2) Coral Diversity and Health (Little Bleaching)
3) Pelagic Diversity
4) Small Critter Diversity
Id probably also add - Chance encounter with unique or unusual marine life.
Sites without mass of divers. (Im sure this would apply more to TB?)
Im not interested in this being a Palau v PI thread. More a case of can I get to Palau cheaper and quicker or should I explore potential PI sites that may yield as good or beter diving?
Insert more experiences here thank you...