DIR wars...Is it the name?

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Lemmee see if I can clear the water a little here.
As we used to say in the Navy, "There's a right way, a wrong way, and the Navy way."
In diving there are lots of ways too. One way is the "DIR" way - the simple fact is that "DIR" has no claim on the "right" way, and it is the hijack of the word that's so irritating.
In a bedding plane that requires side-mount, the "DIR" configuration as defined in "DIR" literature is decidedly the wrong way, the unsafe way, the stroke way.
So I challenge you DIR folk... change "Right" to "Rite" (or any other non-exclusive word) and I for one will never bother you again. (You'll notice my conspicuous - very nearly total - absence in the DIR forum. The only time I post there is by accident.)
I'll also bet you won't change it.
Now that you are the authority on ascertaining the reasoning behind these posts from so many different divers and deciding what is valid or not valid, wherein do you find that this is a discussion with a lot of people who are DIR or have dove with DIR divers having an open discussion.
I suggest that you try a real world experience with a DIR diver or instructor before taking offense to anything. Instead, you distort what I have said into hyperbole.

Thanks again for making my point.

Other than rants like your, and a few jokes here and there, most of this has been open discussion. I believe UP would be considered DIR, and I have already stated that I have been diving with DIR-F and tech-1 trained divers and had a good time. I would dive with any of them again.

But you ignored this and basically said "your not DIR-F therefore you know nothing." This is the attitude that gives DIR a bad name on the Internet.

True DIR divers are not the issue. The ones I've met don't have attitudes, and all have had great skill levels.
Thanks again for making my point.

Other than rants like your, and a few jokes here and there, most of this has been open discussion. I believe UP would be considered DIR, and I have already stated that I have been diving with DIR-F and tech-1 trained divers and had a good time. I would dive with any of them again.

But you ignored this and basically said "your not DIR-F therefore you know nothing." This is the attitude that gives DIR a bad name on the Internet.

True DIR divers are not the issue. The ones I've met don't have attitudes, and all have had great skill levels.
No, I did not" basically" say you are not DIR and know nothing. I stated that before taking offense to the name DIR or its protocols, try it out. No rant, , no attitude, just minus the exagerations
Maybe it would be less offensive if it was changed from DIR (doing it right) to GIR ( getting it right)

I'd like to add " if this was posted in the DIR forum, most of us would be banned ( again)". The self proclaimed DIR divers report me to the MODS every time I post anything even slightly anti DIR.

If their opinion is more important than mine,Because of their C-card, maybe I should be banned,

This has to be the biggest bunch of bull i have ever read. I am not a DIR diver so i have no sides in this but every time the anti-DIR(as you all call it) post something agaist GUE nothing is ever said. Just read this thread its all DIR bashing and in other threads with the name calling (like a bunch of 5 year olds) koolaid drinkers, nazi, brainwashed and nothing is ever said and the posts are never pulled then the second a DIR diver comes to defend themself or call you stroke they are banned are get a warning and the post is pulled. Well what is the difference if i call you a stroke or a kool-aid drinker nothing. 99% of the arogant GUE divers on this board are nothing more then a cyber diver who is looking for some entertainment.
This has to be the biggest bunch of bull i have ever read. I am not a DIR diver so i have no sides in this but every time the anti-DIR(as you all call it) post something agaist GUE nothing is ever said. Just read this thread its all DIR bashing and in other threads with the name calling (like a bunch of 5 year olds) koolaid drinkers, nazi, brainwashed and nothing is ever said and the posts are never pulled then the second a DIR diver comes to defend themself or call you stroke they are banned are get a warning and the post is pulled. Well what is the difference if i call you a stroke or a kool-aid drinker nothing. 99% of the arogant GUE divers on this board are nothing more then a cyber diver who is looking for some entertainment.

Think about what you just wrote, You say your not taking sides, then you flame both sides in the same paragraph. What's up with that?

If this is the biggest bunch of bull you have ever read , that is because the mods pull the really big piles before you read them.

The nice mods have already told some of us that the next ban is forever, so we are playing nice, and in the same sandbox( like good five year olds)

and scuba board is entertainment untill we all (both sides) get to go diving again.

Has it dawned on you that everyone here loves diving , but our spouses can't stand another scuba related discussion?

So give me a break and let the kool aid drinker throw rocks at the strokes, no ones really getting hurt.

NOVADIVER has approved of this outburst :)
Rick Murchison:
Oh, now I get it... you have an "unhealthy attachment" to DIR!
That certainly explains an awful lot.

Well, your inability or unwillingness to respond to the point says a lot, that much is certain. I didn't state a position either way on DIR; I just don't have a major conniption over its existence like you do.

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