DIR wars...Is it the name?

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You failed the reading comprehension test. I said you can't "HOLD A CONVICTION" Your choice to drive a Chevy isn't a matter of conviction, unless you have an unhealthy attachment to it.
Oh, now I get it... you have an "unhealthy attachment" to DIR!
That certainly explains an awful lot.
Well said!!

Maybe we should solo together some time.

I'll be on 50/50 at 50 feet on sunday about 10;45, I only have a 7 foot hose so don't get in trouble .LOL :)
Last I had heard, of those instructors listed, only about 12 or so were active...
Well if that's true - which I could well believe - it IS going to take years!!!!! Who knows - I might even be able to give up smoking before it comes round to my turn! :D
On the subject of the name though - I honestly don't think it helps much simply because it obviously rubs people up the wrong way. A few people who seem to believe in the exclusitivity of it also don't help the overall reputation - but I must say it only appears to be a few - not all. When I did the IANTD course for overhead environment it took a full week - about 8 hours every day. At least 3 days of that was practicing buoyancy and kicks and at the end although I knew that I'd improved a lot I also knew how far I could still go. Hardly anyone I know has heard of that course - let alone done it - but it doesn't have a special name or reputation. That's fine by me as I did it to learn - and I learnt a lot. Sure, it showed me that a lot of people in the water have very poor skills, but I just sometimes think that (not say it) and go my own way. I haven't seen any yet but I'm fully prepared to be impressed by people who have done a GUE course - however that judgement is very subjective as it's only based on what I've read about it so far! To use an often quoted DIR expression - GUE talks the talk, one day I'll probably see if their divers really walk the walk as well. Meanwhile I just smile at the idea that it's only them who has it right!
This tread was about the name DIR being offensive to some divers.( which it is) I've read all the posts and the DIRs are holding their own on this thread But some of them (won't name names) can't stand that there are other opinions and options . (that's closed minded)

How come the DIR crowd won't concider the non DIR crowds techniques. Is the pull and glide DIR? It is unless you do it solo. Is the frog kick DIR ? It is unless you breath the short hose. and I'd like to know why you can't solo dive, if your some of the best trained divers out there.(feel free to open your mind)

Hey Nova, how have you been. In following the thread, you will see that the ones taking offense to the name DIR or any of its' protocols, have formed their opinions from posts on forums like this, not real world experience. I pointed that out.

Viscya: Interesting, I dont see that here. I see a lot of people who are DIR or have dove with DIR divers have an open discussion.

Now who's being closed minded.


This is the type of trolling that gives DIR a bad name on the Internet.

The discussion is what gives DIR a bad name: Is it the name?
There is no need to be DIR to answer.
Today 11:43 AM

Now that you are the authority on ascertaining the reasoning behind these posts from so many different divers and deciding what is valid or not valid, wherein do you find that this is a discussion with a lot of people who are DIR or have dove with DIR divers having an open discussion. Many of the posters are rabidly against anything to do with DIR, read previous posts from everyone. Yes, has the internet advertised DIR to divers who may never heard of it? Surely, but it also relays messages from Nigerian government officals who want to use your bank account info to transfer millions of dollars to the US, giving you a ten percent cut. Have you formed all your decisions by what you have read on the internet? If so, go for it. I suggest that you try a real world experience with a DIR diver or instructor before taking offense to anything. Instead, you distort what I have said into hyperbole.
I do believe that Android summed up all the problems with DIR very well.
. . . . "Much ado about nothing..."
Hey Nova, how have you been. In following the thread, you will see that the ones taking offense to the name DIR or any of its' protocols, have formed their opinions from posts on forums like this, not real world experience. I pointed that out.

Viscya: Interesting, I dont see that here. I see a lot of people who are DIR or have dove with DIR divers have an open discussion.

Now who's being closed minded.


This is the type of trolling that gives DIR a bad name on the Internet.

The discussion is what gives DIR a bad name: Is it the name?
There is no need to be DIR to answer.
Today 11:43 AM

Now that you are the authority on ascertaining the reasoning behind these posts from so many different divers and deciding what is valid or not valid, wherein do you find that this is a discussion with a lot of people who are DIR or have dove with DIR divers having an open discussion. Many of the posters are rabidly against anything to do with DIR, read previous posts from everyone. Yes, has the internet advertised DIR to divers who may never heard of it? Surely, but it also relays messages from Nigerian government officals who want to use your bank account info to transfer millions of dollars to the US, giving you a ten percent cut. Have you formed all your decisions by what you have read on the internet? If so, go for it. I suggest that you try a real world experience with a DIR diver or instructor before taking offense to anything. Instead, you distort what I have said into hyperbole.

How did you know the Nigerian Government was sending me money? that was a secret?

Really now, I'm very confident in my dive ability and training so I personally don't care about being DIR. In a few years another agency will come along and spout the same BS that's being debated today, the only differance will be the acronym of the agency. Good luck to you and your diving.

The more things change, The more things stay the same.
Last I had heard, of those instructors listed, only about 12 or so were active...
I don't think this is correct. From looking at the list, I know of at least 20 that are actively teaching, and the rest, mostly in Europe and South America, I just don't know one way or the other.
bubble blower:
I do believe that Android summed up all the problems with DIR very well.
You're probably right, but not in the way you think - If DIR has a problem it's the way it is mischaracterized by people who really have no idea what they are talking about.

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