First, let me apologize to the board if discussions and debates about everything DIR is not welcome in this forum. I assumed that as long as you were trained and dove the system, you had a voice in this forum whether you agreed or disagreed with policies, procedures, or whatever, as long as it was related to DIR and the posters were not speaking out of complete ignorance. It wasn't my intent to troll, but merely voice my opinion as a DIR diver.
Second, I ended up in this thread because I followed a link Kevin R posted and the first thing that I see is a juvenile mockery of the names of two of the mods. You may not like them and I'm sure you're frustrated by the attacks on DIR, but such behavior doesn't bode well for the DIR community. With little interest from many DIR leaders, I know it is frustrating not to have a certified and respected expert to oversee the forum. People like Lamont step up and do their best. If their are no officers, the NCO's must lead. How high in DIR and how much experience do you need before you can understand DIR? The higher you go, the higher other DIR members seem to set the bar.
It seems that Mark has set the bar for me at Tech 2. Funny you should mention that. Bob Sherwood called me from Florida tonight and told me that I need to take Tech 2. He needs more guys and more opportunities to do GUE Tech 2 dives. I thought he was calling to bust my stones about the board. I told him the gist of this thread. Okay, after Tech 2, may I have an opinion?
Mark, I'm not so much name dropping as I am trying to say from whom the info I'm getting is coming. If you were hanging out and playing cards, going to baseball games, and having dinner with your priest or minister, don't you think your social relationship would open you up to information about the church and about religion that the ordinary church-going member would not know? Because of my friendship with certain DIR leaders, I get to hear about DIR - the good, the bad and the ugly both professionally and socially. It doesn't make me any better than any of you who may not have the same opportunity. It merely gives me a different perspective and affects my "faith" much like hanging out with one's priest or minister.
To further answer, you, Mark, I'm not trying to sell anything other than free thought and debate. You'll notice that those who are trying to sell something in SB are pretty good at advertising and they don't spark debates because they want to be well-liked and patroned.
If I came off as insulting to this forum, it wasn't my intent to attack anyone personally. The problem is without officers, the NCO's of DIR, are often waiting for "the word." Many guys at the top are very respectful of others in the industry. Whatever JJ thought of Thal's take on DIR, he would respect Thal's contributions as a diver and scientist to the industry. I have never met a person more diplomatic and respectful in diving when it comes to demeanor and his ability to take criticism in stride. Too many DIR divers take a militant, arrogant, almost Inquisitor approach to others and that is not what is happening in High Springs. For those that dive or train in cave country and through EE, wouldn't the word, "Mellow," pretty much describe Doug, JJ, and the rest?
It was interesting to watch the personal slams and attacks. Guys, I'm just a long time diver who loves diving, divers, learning and teaching. I've been scuba diving since age 13 and I don't think I can grow up and do anything else at 41. Only if my health failed and prevented me from diving, physically or psychologically, would I stop. DIR is one aspect of this sport that I love.
However, the attitude and behavior of many DIR divers that I have experienced and continue to experience in the past decade does take away from some of that joy.
Jeff - you can read this post. It's my last one.