DIR-F class will now be a certification class

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GUE has no credibility problems with me. And I suspect that I'm not the only one. Smoking is bad for you, period. And the percentages are irrelevant.

Your arguements seem to be only a reason to argue. As SeaJay says, take in the whole picture.

You're not doing yourself any favor by this tirade. Argue the CO stuff with lung specialists, because I, for one, don't really care. I do care about the quality of the class given, and that is top notch.

As for publishing objective criteria for the class-here is one of them:


Ya don't like it, don't take the class. It's their criteria, not yours.

"I believe strongly in objective entrance criteria. If I want to take Tech-1, why do I need to take DIR-F first?"

Cause that's the rules. Ya don't like it, don't take the class.

"Why not publish the criteria for ENTRANCE into Tech-1 - objective, verifyable criteria?"

Here they are: You must pass a DIR Fundamentals class before taking a Tech 1 class. Verifiable by showing that you have passed the DIRF class.

"When I show up for the class, you should not care who trained me or what card(s) I have and from whom. "

Who is setting the standards here? You, or them? Start your own training organization and then set your own criterion. Allow heavy smokers, heavy drinkers, and coke addicts if you want. It will be your standard to set, and your bar to attain.
then there is nothing more to discuss with them.

Ya don't like it, don't take the class. It's their criteria, not yours.

"I believe strongly in objective entrance criteria. If I want to take Tech-1, why do I need to take DIR-F first?"

Cause that's the rules. Ya don't like it, don't take the class.

"Why not publish the criteria for ENTRANCE into Tech-1 - objective, verifyable criteria?"

Here they are: You must pass a DIR Fundamentals class before taking a Tech 1 class. Verifiable by showing that you have passed the DIRF class.

Arbitrary, capricous, unscientific screed posted in the name of science with twisted figures and make-up facts do not give me warm fuzzy feelings about the rest of the things they intend to present to me as "facts".

Absent confidence that I'm getting facts and not fiction, I'm endangering my life by trusting these guys. And I'm doing it knowingly and willingly, since I am aware of the earlier misrepresentations.

If indeed their position is as simple as you posit, Detroit, then GUE will not now or ever in the future be a training org that I will patronize, and I will point out why to any who care to listen.

I would hope that you're just a religious zealot, and not representaitive of how GUE ACTUALLY believes.

But if I'm wrong.....
I'm just the religious zealot type. Yeh, that's me.

On the other hand, you're just plain nuts.

As I started my posts with, I have no intention of being drawn into a begnin debate devoid of the desire for conclusions.. I initially believed that you had some true desire to engage in dialogue that could perhaps enlighten a discussion that other's could learn from. I see know that such isn't your desire. You've leveled some serious accusations respecting credibility, but yet your ouwn outrageous charges stand in stark contrast to the studies provided. In fact, you went so far as to charge that in order to get *into the teens* in terms of impairment levels that one would need to chain smoke for over an hour and then have some form of emphesyma above and beyond that. One of our fellow board members were able to find a study within several minutes of searching that suggests your numbers are off by nearly a 100%. You suggest 8%, the Von Burg study provides for 15% in heavy smoking alone, bear in mind no mention whatsoever of emphesyma.. Accordingly, it is abundantley clear that your accusations bear no relationship to reality so further debate is fruitless.

I will also note that you continue to ignore that the hemoglobin binding is only one component of the decision to limit our training to non-smokers. There are a whole host of other safety issues relating to smoking that you fail to address. The GUE view is when taken as a whole, ALL of the safety concerns add up to an unacceptable level of additional risk that we choose, as is our right as an agency to do, to limit participation.. Your credibility argument is specious at best, and is in essence a red-herring.. Experts often disagree as to exact number's so rather then focus in on the minutae we said that the levels are *up to 25%*.. Whether you choose to focus in on your admitted 8% reduction level or the posibility of up to 25% is patently irrelevant because even an 8% reduction is more then we are willing to accept when coupled with the respitory and cardio issues.. Several other agencies have an opposing view so with all due respect if this issue is dispositive of GUE for you, I suggest that you seek training elsewhere. As I noted earlier in this thread, I have no intention of trying to convinve you that you need to be convinced. I stand behind my comments and I wish you well in your future diving endeavors..


PS. Please have the last word since I do not plan on responding any further to you on this issue.
I have to agree with Genesis on this on for the most part.

Certainly any study which has not been peer reviewed is suspect. It doesn't matter if said study is handed out to the students because mostly likely they won't have the training or expertise in the field required to critically evaluate it. (I'm guessing the 25% comes from some study involving hyperbaric exposure)

Why not publish it if it can make everyone else better divers or change standards? Thats the goal, right??

I also agree with Genesis that there could be much more objective and useful tests used to weed out individuals in poor physical shape.

I don't smoke, I'm in pretty good physical shape and do intend to pursue GUE training.

Genesis can be a bit out there at times but I think he is really on the ball on this one SeaJay. Personally, after reading this discussion GUE has lost a bit of respect in my eyes. But hey... No organization is perfect and they seem to be one of the best.

MHK - I think its something you should think about.

Personally, after reading this discussion GUE has lost a bit of respect in my eyes.

Well, that's a shame that you would allow a discussion between MHK and some guy who thinks that smoking isn't THAT bad for you to affect your opinion of the agency. Personally, I don't see the connection, but we all have to make choices, and if that's yor choice, then... Cool.

My recommendation, if you really are looking for answers to this stuff, is to learn about it first hand. Read the DIR-F book. Take the class. Learn. Then make a judgement.

MHK - I think its something you should think about.

Believe me, it's been "gone over" a million times. :D
Michael, its clear that instead of answering the substantive points I've raised in this debate, you have chosen instead to attempt to quote nonsensical irrelavent "studies" that STILL don't make your point and STILL ignore the actual focus of what I've had to say on the matter.

The Von Burg study you reference is a 1990 work on patients with pre-existing neurological illness!

I found a cite to it in a few minutes, although I haven't been able to find the entire study itself online. However, the study that referenced it (a work published on 6/15/1990 at the University of Arizona) produced the following quote:

Most of the studies evaluating adverse health effect of carbon monoxide on the central nervous system
have focused on high levels of poisoning (COHb levels of >10%) resulting in symptoms that range from
common flu and cold symptoms (shortness of breath on mild exertion, mild headaches, and nausea.) to
unconsciousness and death.
(emphasis mine)

There is minimal information available on the relationship between exposures to low or ambient levels of
carbon monoxide and effects on the central nervous system. A few studies, which date from the 70s and
80s, report an association between exposure to 100 ppm CO and behavioral changes such as decrements
in visual, auditory and cognitive function at COHb levels of 5% (19). Beard and Wertheim (1967)
demonstrated that exposures to 50 ppm CO for 90 minutes caused a progressive deterioration in subjects'
abilities to estimate the passage of time. Horvath et al. (1971) reported that people with COHb levels
between 2-3% are liable to perform routine task in an inefficient manner and at 6.6% (exposure to 111
ppm CO) lost vigilance . Chronic occult CO poisoning is commonly misdiagnosed as an influenza-like
viral illness. Symptoms such as headache; dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness are
frequent with COHb blood levels at 2-5% in both adults and children.
(emphasis mine)

This is from a study at the University of Arizona that was published and peer-reviewed, and which cited your "claimed" one.

Note the TWO TO FIVE PERCENT IMPAIRMENT producing physiologically-significant symptoms including nausea and vomiting!

Again, Mike, the issue here is junk science, NOT GUE's position on smoking. It is the false projection of scientific, published, documented evidence for the claims made, not the positions themself.

I gave GUE the benefit of the doubt with my "8%" cite, in that I searched for the most slanted, biased, anti-smoking citations I could find - not medical journals. THAT is where I got MY numbers - from the MOST advantagous sources to YOUR position.

I was looking for that point of view SPECIFICALLY because I know, from personal experience with my daughter at birth, and also due to an aunt of mine who has been an RN for more than 30 years, that even a 95% O2 saturation reading in a patient - down by as little as 5% from normal - is cause for SERIOUS concern and immediate remedial action. It was that personal knowledge that tripped my "BS" detector when you made your original claim.

Nor is this the only example. A long debate on the medical forum here a few months ago roundly debunked the GUE claim that offgassing efficiency was affected in any manner of physiological significance by a horizontal body position, never mind that GUE has long maintained this as "fact" as well. Yet there is zero scientific, peer-reviewed data to support THAT position, and when the physiologists and physicians weighed in, the bottom line was that the claim was pure bunk.

My issue has all along been the absolute VOID in response, filled by misdirection and complaints about irrelevancies, along with attempted diversions (as with the Von Berg study you claimed to "cite") when the lack of OBJECTIVE evidence is brought to the forefront in these debates related to GUE postulates.

This is not about smoking and diving Mike. It is about GUE's credibility in making claims of scientific fact that appear to this individual to be entirely manufacturered, in that when challenged GUE's response, instead of producing the compendium of scientific, peer-reviewed evidence backing the position, is one of obfuscation, claims that the data is "proprietary", or some other form of misdirection.

This thread here is just ONE example of many. I nailed you and good on Usenet related to the Triox claims you made about CO2 retention and the significance of it, or lack thereof, at 100' on Triox .vs. Nitrox. You claimed that the data was "proprietary" and that you "wouldn't give it away on the Internet". Well, if its unpublished, then its unverified, and is nothing more than a claim, not a fact. If it IS published, peer reviewed, and verified, then there is nothing to hide.

You ran away from that debate when I called you out on it and you're running away from this one as well.

I believe that as dive training consumers we have not only a right but an obligation to call on the carpet ALL agencies who push conjecture, opinion, and innuendo as scientific fact. After all, its our butt (and I'm not talking about a cigarette butt either) on the line down there.

I have no problem with GUE presenting an OPINION on smoking and diving, and refusing to train people as a consequence of their views. I have a major problem with what appears to be intentional misuse of scientific data to support a position via an untenable linkage that appears to be born of a desparate search for support of a position rather than a true scientific inquiry into the truth, while at the same time ignoring other physiological factors that present at least as much, and possibly much more, physiological risk to participants as that which you rail against. As others have noted, how many GUE-certified cave divers are, by the BMI measurement, either obese or morbidly obese? How did THEY get those cards, if the standards are EVENLY applied?

That is the entire problem with the lack of OBJECTIVE standards, as I have asked for multiple times in this thread.

Despite that remaining my focus, coming back to it on multiple occasions, and despite your repeated attempts to deflect attention from that goal rather than respond to the point, it remains my focus.

You do not answer an objection to a position you've taken by diverging from the point Mike. If you wish to debate a subject, rather than retire and admit that you have no answer to the point raised, thereby conceding it, then you must stay on topic.

Again, one final time, the issue here is the lack of objective performance criteria for entrance into GUE training at all levels, from DIR-F through full Cave, instead relying on inaccurate and misleading proxies such as prohibitions on "smoking" (while ignoring smokeless tobacco use, which has roughly the same risk profile, physiologically, as consumption of cigars.)

That position makes no more sense than banning the use of crack cocaine while saying that snorting the powder is perfectly fine, simply because you don't like people who smoke things.

As I've pointed out multiple times, setting an actual and verifyable performance bar for aerobic fitness makes sense. Doing so would move GUE from the ranks of an agency with what appears to be a personal vendetta against smoking to one that has set a real and reasonable physiological bar for physical fitness in relationship to diving.

That would be a true advance in the state of dive training and procedures, which is why I am calling GUE out on this. It would make your organization an agency that would have a strong POSITIVE check-mark in the evaluation criteria that I use when looking at the options for upcoming technical training.

Instead of considering that option and responding with a rational debate on the matter at hand, you (and GUE, by extension) have chosen to simple circle the wagons and attempt to defend the original policy with quotes out of context and science of questionable applicability AT BEST.

By doing so you've gone from seeking a check-mark to tattooing a big red "X" on GUE's forehead - a development I find most unfortunate.
I fully intend to take the class because it is one of the best out there :D

Anyone trained in science should undertand the value of peer review -- which is my main issue.

Their studies could be perfectly valid and of the highest quality. You know what... Even if I saw them (and I will because I intend on taking the class), I personally would not be able to verify their quality. I simply do not know all of the variables involved and do not have enough background to make a CRITICAL EVALUATION. The whole point of publishing is to have a group of people who are knowledgeable in the field to say the study is valid. Or at least not completely bogus.

I'm certainly not suggesting that their studies are bogus... I'm just saying that without peer review, you or I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

If you don't get it, you don't get it!! There is no real argument. You value of peer review, or you don't.

SeaJay once bubbled...

Well, that's a shame that you would allow a discussion between MHK and some guy who thinks that smoking isn't THAT bad for you to affect your opinion of the agency. Personally, I don't see the connection, but we all have to make choices, and if that's yor choice, then... Cool.

My recommendation, if you really are looking for answers to this stuff, is to learn about it first hand. Read the DIR-F book. Take the class. Learn. Then make a judgement.

Believe me, it's been "gone over" a million times. :D
So Genesis' posts tend to make my eyes glaze over at times. So I can't really blame you... But I think you're missing the real point his is making which has NOTHING to do with smoking.

I have no problem with GUE banning all forms of tobacco use. I'll even admit that I have a personal bias in their favor... Hell... I would probably support them if they banned the use of Caffine or Alcohol.

The argument lies in the reasons given for the policy. BTW -- Nobody here has said that smoking isn't bad for you.

What the hell am I doing?? I'm not going to translate and distill the 50 pages Genesis has already written. Just read it with an open mind. You did the same thing with the fundies book.

(Which BTW I read almost a year ago and have spent a great deal of time practicing. Fortunately I've had people to dive with around here who HAVE taken the class and so know where the bar is...)

SeaJay once bubbled...

Well, that's a shame that you would allow a discussion between MHK and some guy who thinks that smoking isn't THAT bad for you to affect your opinion of the agency. Personally, I don't see the connection, but we all have to make choices, and if that's yor choice, then... Cool.

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