DIR divers: Deviations?

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Yeah, well real life has a habit of changing the ideal though and you will find DIR divers all over breaking trim for two seconds to dump gas.
Darn...you beat me to it. You suck!
Nah you 2 slackers suck. I mean breaking trim, I'm aghast! Back to the practice puddle for you 2.
Nah you 2 slackers suck. I mean breaking trim, I'm aghast! Back to the practice puddle for you 2.
Whats funny is that one of the reasons the cuff dump was bashed because it was used so you can be "slick".
You have a cuff dump too???

OMG, you know that anything other than the high profile Sitex is a recipe for death right? Lordy what is the world coming to. :D
You have a cuff dump too???

OMG, you know that anything other than the high profile Sitex is a recipe for death right? Lordy what is the world coming to. :D
I even put one on my DIR endorsed DUI 350 OMG....I'm going to DIEEEEEEEEEE
I even put one on my DIR endorsed DUI 350 OMG....I'm going to DIEEEEEEEEEE

Eventually, yes. But please sneak up on it slowly :turtle:
oh, i just bought a CF200 instead of a TLS350...

GI3 has never done a shore entry at cove 2 on a low tide with a full set of doubles, a stage bottle a deco bottle and two scooters... I'm optimizing for the most dangerous part of the dive, which is the entry...

Its also frakkin cold up here, and 400g thinsulate and argon craps out after about an hour in the water...
and two scooters...
Yea...and you use those Galaxy 500 type scooters too. Need a crane to get those bad boys into the water. :wink:
I got a DC suit, ML (which is silly) cave cut. How or why it actually fits I dunno, bought it off the rack at 5thD. Same time as Bones, but his leaks and mine doesn't - go figure.

Wife unit's gonna get real neoprene boots put on her TLS350. No more whimpy little turbo soles for her. Those things are just pathetic IMO. I suppose if you have achilles tendons of steel and only walk on sand they might be ok.
Yea...and you use those Galaxy 500 type scooters too. Need a crane to get those bad boys into the water. :wink:

Many days I thought the "crane" was Lamont...

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