DIR controversy?

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Hi i have heard this word bandied around a couple of times here on this board. I dive for a living, have about 5 or 6 thousand dives in the last 10 years, do it on pretty much a daily basis...

Can someone explain this DIR to me? Sounds a bit silly...
Mike, get thee to Jep's Bridge . . .
Mike, get thee to Jep's Bridge . . .

Oh it was funny...

Come on lets lighten up m3830431 just trying to lighten the mood.... :D
Kalbo = Not DIR :wink:
That is an insult!

Or is it..?? cuts down on entanglement hazard.... totally DIR!
...he was wearing a transpac and a bungeed second. A young woman on board noticed the bungeed second and asked:"What is that?" I told her it was an alternative to other methods of securing a second, when she asked why I was interrupted by the young man who exclaimed:" I am doing it right and you are going to die" he mentioned the unsafe configurations and practices of recreational divers then turned, and DIR Guy and his short hose went over the side, solo, with the current.

Or maybe the borg really are like this.....

See the apologies thread if I offended anyone

Hmm... you sure the whole thing wasn't a joke?
Lets see.. transpak = not DIR, solo diving = not DIR...
Maybe he said: "I'm using a diveRITE, and i'm going to have some pie"?
Hmm... you sure the whole thing wasn't a joke?
Lets see.. transpak = not DIR, solo diving = not DIR...
Maybe he said: "I'm using a diveRITE, and i'm going to have some pie"?

The gear and actions are/were real. The guy was, of course, NOT DIR, yet claimed to be and demonstrated why he was/is not for all to see...But an unpleasant attitude with the claim is what put people off....

I know of course that all real DIR divers are swell people
I wonder if mudchick has run away screaming?

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