DIR controversy?

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bjpell, new divers need to know what they are getting in to.
bjpell, new divers need to know what they are getting in to.
Good reason to measure the weenie then.
This thread is in the wrong spot. People who find “ScubaBoard” and are considering diving, are hopefully reading this section. This thread should have been moved at post #1 to the appropriate location.

Nothing but negative talk and weenie size comparing going on here with all this quoting what others say and firing it back at em.:huh: This thread is full of frustrated, upset, scuba boarders. Why? Because they aren’t doing what we all wish we were doing right now. DIVING!eyebrow

I vote to have this thread moved....
I vote likewise ... however, I do have to correct something.

Many (most?) of the people who are responding here dive rather frequently. Personally, I just did a nice 67-minute dive last night ... my 12th dive in the past nine days. I plan to dive again tomorrow, another six on the week-end, and four days later head off to California for a few more.

So I don't think this has anything to do with a lack of diving ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
HEY...I got it!!!! :11doh:
HEY...I got it!!!! :11doh:
I daresay ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I vote likewise ... however, I do have to correct something.

Many (most?) of the people who are responding here dive rather frequently. Personally, I just did a nice 67-minute dive last night ... my 12th dive in the past nine days. I plan to dive again tomorrow, another six on the week-end, and four days later head off to California for a few more.

So I don't think this has anything to do with a lack of diving ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Yes Bob, you're right. Not everyone here is in that mind frame. I just think that this should be in a different spot.

As catherine96821 said "people should know what they are getting into". I agree. At some point if they persue diving they'll likely get into this discussion and the MOF too:33: :rofl2:
Yes Bob, you're right. Not everyone here is in that mind frame. I just think that this should be in a different spot.
bjbell: Good suggestion. The mods on this board usually do a good job. This tired old topic should not be in the new diving discussions. Maybe this should be in Whine and Cheese or back into DIR. This topic usually gets the same few folks going back and forth with little new info. This is a great board. There is a lot of good discussion. This is not one of them.
I'm in SoFL right now, but I'm starting to wish I was in Oregon again. Its great weather for hiking up their!!!

76 here today and the snow melt is filling the streams. Very good hiking these days.
Still, I'd rather be diving in SoFl than hiking in OR.
Maybe this should be in Whine and Cheese or back into DIR.
Definitely NOT the DIR forum. Maybe someday people will understand that forum does not exist to give people a place to go complaining about how poorly they got treated by some supposed DIR wannabe.

This topic usually gets the same few folks going back and forth with little new info. This is a great board. There is a lot of good discussion. This is not one of them.
On that, we are in complete agreement ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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