DIR Class: The Truth Comes Out (Again)

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Congrats on passing, and now you can work on the martyr attitude!

Heh. :D

I'm working on it, 'Doc... I'm trying really hard. I'll be the perfect martyr in a year and a half. :D

Am I gonna get banned from being a smart-(explictive deleted)? :D

i know very little about "DIR", so does that make me "the lowest common denominator" ?...............by the way, hows you pool record coming? what was it 12, 24, 36 hrs?

No... The "lowest common denominator" comes from a previous post. It's how I referred to those who throw a hissy over everything - you know, those very easily offended, and who scream, "Save the children!" when you walk out your front door. "The lowest common denominator" didn't have anything to do with DIR...

"Pool record?" Actually, it's an aquarium. And it's coming along great, thanks. Guinness calls it an "endurance record," though, not an "aquarium record."

...Which is actually a leader up to a "distance record." The "endurance record" is simply a stepping stone.

...And the record dive is 336 hours, not 12 or 24.

But thanks for asking. :D
I'm working on it, 'Doc... I'm trying really hard. I'll be the perfect martyr in a year and a half.

Am I gonna get banned from being a smart-(explictive deleted)?
Oh, you got it perfected now... much better than your buoyancy! I don't think you could try any harder! The rub is, you were never asked to not be a smart whatever... you were asked to stop posting sexual innuendoes on a family board. You were never asked to refrain from sharing your dive experiences... just the ones in a hotel room.

The LCDs in a teaching environment (which this is) are those with the lowest level of inteligence. IOW, you are inferring that the board is filled with idiots. Constantly refering to LCDs is a back handed insult to the majority of the board. I am sure you don't mean it that way... but that is the common usage of the term, and the one which most here will use. Very few understand what you really mean. I do, and so I tell you this as a friend and a colleague: It's really unbecoming and uncalled for. But hey, it's your pity party should you choose to keep it that way. Your call.
with. She, too, passed the Fundies course. Her first.

...Which means that my changes have reached much further than I could have ever hoped for.
Good job! :bogey:
Congrats to both of you.
Thanks, Rich!

Oh, you got it perfected now... much better than your buoyancy!

Ho, hey... Thanks. :D

I don't think you could try any harder!

"There is no 'try' - only 'do.'" -Yoda.

The rub is, you were never asked to not be a smart whatever... you were asked to stop posting sexual innuendoes on a family board. You were never asked to refrain from sharing your dive experiences... just the ones in a hotel room.

'Doc, I was never "asked to stop posting sexual innuendoes on a family board."

One day, out of the blue, I was banned. I wasn't alone, either... About half a dozen of us were gone.

Come to find out, the reason cited for the oust was a post from two weeks prior - I had said the word "frisky," and the post was deleted. I complained, but not much... Something like, "Awwww... C'mon... That wasn't bad..." And the subject was dropped.

Two weeks later, bam... I was gone. No warning, no "chat," no "ask to stop innuendos"... Nothing. In fact, I was banned and never received word one - before or after.

...Not even after everyone threw a fit.

...And so I had to clear out the cookies on my machine so that I could even VIEW the board. I really shouldn't have done that, but I did... The lies that were being spread around were so thick I couldn't stop reading.

Here's the killer... After everything that's been said and done, I remembered something new last night... I remember writing the person that deleted my post... The "frisky" one. I said "frisky," she deleted, and I said, "Awwwww, c'mon..." Then I wrote her offlist, saying to her, "Hey, what's the deal?"

I never got a response. Not a response to my message, not a, "Hey, screw you," not a, "You're banned," nothing.

...And so I sat there and read line after line of people telling board members that I'd been warned, and that the banning was justified, and that I deserved what I got, and all that junk.


...And so now you're surprised when I say something like, "I would love to post, but I'm afraid I might say something wrong...?"

People have been writing me and asking me where I went. I don't know what else to tell them, 'Doc. I tell them I miss them and that they can get in touch with me directly - but they want the board and the community. They want the public posts and the social enjoyment. But I'm afraid to say anything, for fear of losing the privilege.

The LCDs in a teaching environment (which this is) are those with the lowest level of inteligence. IOW, you are inferring that the board is filled with idiots. Constantly refering to LCDs is a back handed insult to the majority of the board. I am sure you don't mean it that way...

Well, that's true, 'Doc... I don't mean it that way. They're just going to have to live with the idea that I might have called someone an idiot... Even when I didn't.

You know, if "they" are going to go around looking for something to be offended at, then they'll probably find it.

...Or in the meantime, they can deal with the occassional word, "frisky," and the fact that sometimes friends call each other idiots or whatever and live with it. There's been much, much worse things to be posted on internet boards.

...I tell you this as a friend and a colleague: It's really unbecoming and uncalled for. But hey, it's your pity party should you choose to keep it that way. Your call.

Thanks, 'Doc. I have yet to hear an apology from the person who banned me - and the half-dozen others that didn't deserve to have any "action" taken against them. (Have they not stopped posting as well?) That might be a good start - and something I would do if the situation was reversed and it had been me that made an unjust call.

Furthermore, I think that the ensuing four month conversation about "What it takes to get banned" and the "Procedures for getting banned" had completely the wrong focus. IMHO, any time a public place's focus becomes more about "keeping people out" than "putting people in," there's a problem. Yes, I know it's your board - and yes, I choose to be here, so I must play by the rules. I do.

...But you just told me that I was in trouble for sexual innuendo - which is something I'm not doing at the moment. Instead, I'm sharing a first-hand account of what happened, and the truth about it, since that seemed to go by the wayside very quickly.

I would really enjoy an apology from the person that pulled the plug that day. And I'd like to have some reasonable assurance that something like that is not going to happen again. Furthermore, I wish that the Scubaboard that I know and love would stop focusing on "How to get rid of people." The mentality's all wrong.

...Of course, I'm not in a position to demand such things, or even ask for them... But I sure would like them.

How can people write when they're afraid they might write wrong?

I feel like I'm looking down the barrel of a gun every time I put words on this board.
Congratulations on successfully completing the class. I hope to manage it myself in the not-too-distant future.

My biggest problem a year ago was my attitude.

Well, I guess some things will always be a work in progress ... ;)

Some friendly advise ... from someone who had nothing to do with all this stuff you're talking about. Leave it be. Write about diving. It's obviously something you want to talk about. Let all that other stuff go ... it's obviously affecting you in a bad way.

Just talk about diving. Nobody's gonna ban you for it.

I, for one, would love to hear about your class experience. Having just been through it recently, I'm even more fascinated than usual by other people's experience.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

when we talked on the phone it was so plain to you that you had crossed the line and had done so on multiple occasions. And now you are saying that was the FIRST time you had been asked to keep it clean? Short memory my friend.

So, why did Raven "Report" the post? If it wasn't that bad, why did she ask that it be removed? Not edited, mind you but REMOVED! You embarrassed her with your antics... how sad. Then there was your ensuing justification of your poor judgment. That pig still doesn't fly. You just didn't seem to get it then. But when you wanted back in, you claimed you got it fine. But now you don’t get it again. This bothers me.

You claim your attitude has changed, but I am not so sure. Your tune has a bit... and you blame others for it. I learned a long time ago to take responsibility for my own moods and actions. You can bet I won't blame you for any pity parties I might indulge myself in.

Now I will be the first to admit that it has been great to not have to constantly hear about another of your posts that had to be edited. You have indeed changed the behavior that got you into trouble. Kudos to you for that! But you keep adding this "woe is me" caveat to your posts... like we are responsible for your moods and actions. The tune wasn't pleasant to begin with and only grates on the nerves with each rendition. It's time to try a different tune.

As for trying to keep people out, we have utterly failed! In fact we've added 7,000+ registered users since this incident. You know personally that I try to find ways to maintain the peace here because I did that with YOU. I spent time on the phone with you and not just once or twice, but a several times, and at great length. Why? It’s because we are more inclusive than exclusive. I counseled you on WHAT you had done, and WHY it was offensive. If my mission was only to exclude you, I would have never asked you back. But as much as we want to include you, we aren't going to let you spoil it for the rest. Go figure.

On top of this you now ask for an apology for being given a time out. Bwahahaha! My son did that to me once, and it was just as funny with him. So you want a moderator to apologize for an incident that you caused and was bad enough to even be reported by Raven your SO??? You said it with such a straight face too.

SeaJay, I love ya man. You have a lot of great potential and attributes, but humility isn't one of them. You have a great sense of adventure when you want, and some awesome ideas. You could be so much more than you are! But you are letting your bitterness over an incident that you precipitated get in the way of having fun on this board. That's just too bad. In essence you hijacked your own thread that should have been celebratory because you just have to prove that you have been martyred on ScubaBoard. What a shame. I am sorry I couldn’t let your snide remarks pass without comment.

This is the last time I will try to reason with you about this. If you want to wallow in self pity, then there is nothing I can do about it. It's your decision to do so and I am sure you will garner about you a few who will cater to your moods. I really expected better of you. I guess I was wrong. I sincerely hope that you prove me wrong. These are words I would like to eat.
Ok...I have no idea what this is about (and selfishly I dont care an awful lot) but I´d like to see SeaJay post another of his classreports!

I just finished reading thru the entire old report and besides enjoying his writing I thought the discussion that followed was a lot more civil for a lot longer then others I´ve seen on this subject (which I´m interested in)...

I still don´t understand why its un-DIR to dive with computers but as I´m not trying to be DIR (perhaps a caveat of not yet would be prudent?) it doesent really bother me and certainly doesent keep me from diving with mine (even on...GASP...trimix). I´ll just add that arguing that comps are "fragile" while endorsing the use of bottomtimers (with the same basic construction) seems, to put it midly, odd.

I watched the DIR 3 video last night and even if the last 10 minutes of "mood-music" seemed pretty pointless the rest was pretty interesting...

So please, pretty pretty please with sugar on top tell us about the course! :-)
And no, we don't ban people for just being moody, so don't play that suit either.
If that wre the case I wouldn't be able to post before 10:30 or 11:00. I can be real cranky before I get my coffee... and my coffee ain't your normal 8 oz cup! :D
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