MikeFerrara:SeaJay you are a piece of work if ever I saw one.
Really, "the biggest?" Oh, Mike... You flatter me.

My biggest problem a year ago was my attitude. I thought I was "okay." I almost quit because I saw the "bar" that these guys set... And for the first time, I realized how far from that bar I really was.
It was especially obvious when I watched AndrewG and Mike Kane "hover." I'd never seen anything like that. I tried it, and helplessly bobbed to the surface. "Frustration" is a radical understatement.
Well, this time I took the Fundies class largely in a 10' deep pool - right under the surface, where buoyancy is hardest. It also leaves no room for error.
After the skills training, we "graduated" to a couple of 60-80 foot dives off of Ft. Lauderdale.
My final eval was intensely accurate - I already knew all of my numbers, and they showed without a doubt where I still need work. But I far exceeded minimums in every category, and I managed to achieve the only perfect score in any category for the weekend. It was in the Buoyancy category. Take that, self-doubt.

I'm humbled by my accomplishment. I had to change many, many things mentally to be able to do that physically.
But the best part of the whole weekend was RavenC's accomplishment. Here's a girl who's sole exposure to the DIR skills has been JJ's book and the videos online... And practicing with me, because I needed someone to practice with. She, too, passed the Fundies course. Her first.
...Which means that my changes have reached much further than I could have ever hoped for.
Perhaps she'll tell you about her accomplishment.